我正在研究 LightGBM 和 XGBoost 分类的数值稳定性。我相信一个好的起点是梯度和 Hessian 的计算。这些需要计算逻辑函数,在我的理解中,它可能会在非常小的值下变得不稳定,因为这可能导致溢出。
以下是二元逻辑损失的 XGBoosts 实现。这里使用 epsilon 值来计算 Hessian,但仅用于 Hessian。为什么梯度或 sigmoid 函数不需要这个?为什么Hessian需要它
struct LogisticRegression {
template <typename T>
static T PredTransform(T x) { return common::Sigmoid(x); }
static bool CheckLabel(bst_float x) { return x >= 0.0f && x <= 1.0f; }
template <typename T>
static T FirstOrderGradient(T predt, T label) { return predt - label; }
template <typename T>
static T SecondOrderGradient(T predt, T label) {
const T eps = T(1e-16f);
return std::max(predt * (T(1.0f) - predt), eps);
static bst_float ProbToMargin(bst_float base_score) {
CHECK(base_score > 0.0f && base_score < 1.0f)
<< "base_score must be in (0,1) for logistic loss";
return -std::log(1.0f / base_score - 1.0f);
static const char* LabelErrorMsg() {
return "label must be in [0,1] for logistic regression";
static const char* DefaultEvalMetric() { return "rmse"; }
// logistic loss for binary classification task.
struct LogisticClassification : public LogisticRegression {
static const char* DefaultEvalMetric() { return "error"; }
inline float Sigmoid(float x) {
return 1.0f / (1.0f + std::exp(-x));
sigmoid 函数链接:https ://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/24f527a1c095b24115dc5d54ad35cc25d3bc3032/src/common/math.h 目标函数链接:https ://github.com/dmlc/xgboost/blob/master/src /objective/regression_obj.cc#L37
以下是 LightGBMs 对二元逻辑损失的 GetGradients 实现。据我所知,没有使用类似于 XGBoosts 实现的 epsilon 值。这会导致数值不稳定吗?
void GetGradients(const double* score, score_t* gradients, score_t* hessians) const override {
if (weights_ == nullptr) {
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static)
for (data_size_t i = 0; i < num_data_; ++i) {
// get label and label weights
const int is_pos = is_pos_(label_[i]);
const int label = label_val_[is_pos];
const double label_weight = label_weights_[is_pos];
// calculate gradients and hessians
const double response = -label * sigmoid_ / (1.0f + std::exp(label * sigmoid_ * score[i]));
const double abs_response = fabs(response);
gradients[i] = static_cast<score_t>(response * label_weight);
hessians[i] = static_cast<score_t>(abs_response * (sigmoid_ - abs_response) * label_weight);