使用 TFS 2015 的 Java SDK 进行检索?
我使用以下代码检索了 intelliJ 插件下的 PolicyDefinition。代码执行良好,但我得到了 PolicyDefinition 的空集合。我正在研究 CustomPath Policy,并且我知道在特定的团队项目中应用了 customPath Policy。
Project myProject = policyContext.getProject(); // PolicyContext is received from intelliJ and I got Project
// object opened in intelliJ
Workstation workstation = Workstation.getInstance(); // Workspace Info, it depeneds how many workspaces created
// to map TFS solution
Collection<WorkspaceInfo> workspaceInfos = workstation
.findWorkspacesCached(TfsFileUtil.getFilePath(myProject.getBaseDir()), false); // This will return the
// workspace info based
// on project path.
WorkspaceInfo workspaceInfo = workspaceInfos.iterator().next();
Collection<String> serverFolderPaths = workspaceInfo
.findServerPathsByLocalPath(VcsUtil.getFilePath(myProject.getBasePath()), false, myProject); // This
// will
// return$/TeamProjectCollection/TeamProject/ProjectFolder
ServerInfo serverInfo = workspaceInfo.getServer();
TfsSdkManager tfsSdkManager = TfsSdkManager.getInstance(); // intelliJ provide TfsSdkManager to get cached
// information about TFS, like credential
Credentials credentials = tfsSdkManager.getCredentials(serverInfo);
URI uri = new URI(serverInfo.getPresentableUri());
TFSTeamProjectCollection tpc = new TFSTeamProjectCollection(uri, credentials);
VersionControlClient vcc;
vcc = forcePluginClassLoader(() -> tpc.getVersionControlClient()); // intelliJ has SOX issue if call is not
// wrapped using forcePluginClassLoader()
// method;
String teamProjectServerPath = "$/TeamProjectCollection"; // Tried to pass "$/TeamProjectCollection/TeamProject"
// as well but same result, getting emppty
//line: 15 // collection of PlicyDefinition
PolicyDefinition[] results = vcc.getCheckinPoliciesForServerPaths(new String[] { teamProjectServerPath });
String serverProjectPath = serverFolderPaths.iterator().next();
// Another way to get policy
Item item = vcc.getItem("$/TeamProjectCollection");
TeamProject tp = new TeamProject(item, vcc);
String projectName = tp.getName();
//line: 20
PolicyDefinition[] ps = tp.getCheckinPolicies();
for (PolicyDefinition pd : ps) {
int pi = pd.getPriority();
第 15 行和第 20 行都返回空策略定义。