The annotation framework we presented is
embedded in the Knowledge Management and
Acquisition Platform Semantic Turkey (Pazienza, et
al., 2012), and comes out-the-box with a few
annotation families which differ in the underlying
annotation model and, notably, in the tasks they
support. The default handlers take into consideration
the annotation of atomic ontological resources, and
complex activities that are provided as macros, e.g.
the creation of new instances, the definition of new
subclasses in OWL, or of narrower concepts in
Theannotationframework we presented is
embedded in th e K n o w l e d ge Management and
Acquisition Platform Semantic Turkey (Pazienza, et
al., 2012), and comes out-the-
box with a few
annotation families which differ in the underlying
annotation model and, notably, in the tasks they
support. The default handlers take into consideration
the a n n o t a t i o n o f a t o m i c ontological resources, and
complex activities that are provided as macros, e.g.
the creation of new instances, the definition of new
subclasses in OWL, or of narrower concepts in
假设我the Knowledge Management
从 File1 中选择了字符串,并且我想将它与th e K n o w l e d ge Management
File2 中的字符串匹配。