




<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://ssl.gstatic.com/docs/script/css/add-ons.css">
    // IMPORTANT: Replace the value for DEVELOPER_KEY with the API key obtained
    // from the Google Developers Console.
    var DEVELOPER_KEY = 'purposely removed';
    var DIALOG_DIMENSIONS = {width: 600, height: 425};
    var pickerApiLoaded = false;

     * Loads the Google Picker API.
    function onApiLoad() {
      gapi.load('picker', {'callback': function() {
        pickerApiLoaded = true;

     * Gets the user's OAuth 2.0 access token from the server-side script so that
     * it can be passed to Picker. This technique keeps Picker from needing to
     * show its own authorization dialog, but is only possible if the OAuth scope
     * that Picker needs is available in Apps Script. Otherwise, your Picker code
     * will need to declare its own OAuth scopes.
    function getOAuthToken() {

     * Creates a Picker that can access the user's spreadsheets. This function
     * uses advanced options to hide the Picker's left navigation panel and
     * default title bar.
     * @param {string} token An OAuth 2.0 access token that lets Picker access the
     *     file type specified in the addView call.
    function createPicker(token) {
      if (pickerApiLoaded && token) {
        var picker = new google.picker.PickerBuilder()
            // Instruct Picker to display only spreadsheets in Drive. For other
            // views, see https://developers.google.com/picker/docs/#otherviews
            // Hide the navigation panel so that Picker fills more of the dialog.
            // Hide the title bar since an Apps Script dialog already has a title.
            // Instruct Picker to fill the dialog, minus 2 pixels for the border.
            .setSize(DIALOG_DIMENSIONS.width - 2,
                DIALOG_DIMENSIONS.height - 2)
      } else {
        showError('Unable to load the file picker.');

     * A callback function that extracts the chosen document's metadata from the
     * response object. For details on the response object, see
     * https://developers.google.com/picker/docs/result
     * @param {object} data The response object.
    function pickerCallback(data) {
      var action = data[google.picker.Response.ACTION];
      if (action == google.picker.Action.PICKED) {
        var doc = data[google.picker.Response.DOCUMENTS][0];
        var id = doc[google.picker.Document.ID];
        var url = doc[google.picker.Document.URL];
        var title = doc[google.picker.Document.NAME];
        document.getElementById('result').innerHTML =
            '<b>You chose:</b><br>Name: <a href="' + url + '">' + title +
            '</a><br>ID: ' + id;
      } else if (action == google.picker.Action.CANCEL) {
        document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = 'Picker canceled.';

     * Displays an error message within the #result element.
     * @param {string} message The error message to display.
    function showError(message) {
      document.getElementById('result').innerHTML = 'Error: ' + message;
    <button onclick='getOAuthToken()'>Select a file</button>
    <p id='result'></p>
  <script src="https://apis.google.com/js/api.js?onload=onApiLoad"></script>

然后我得到这个: Google Drive Picker


Uncaught TypeError: google.script.run.withSuccessHandler(...).withFailureHandler(...).getOAuthToken is not a function
at getOAuthToken (userCodeAppPanel:20)
at HTMLButtonElement.onclick (userCodeAppPanel:1)


function getOAuthToken() {
   return ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();


我已经尝试过这个解决方案但它不起作用: 无法从 Web 应用程序调用 Google 脚本 API 函数(类型错误:无法读取未定义的属性“运行”)




  1. 转到:https ://script.google.com/ 创建一个新脚本。在 Code.gs 文件中输入:

     function saonopen() {
       var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
       // add some functions to the UI
           .addItem('Add Attachments', 'tsc.showPicker')
     function showPicker() {
       var html = HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('picker.html')
       SpreadsheetApp.getUi().showModalDialog(html, 'Select a file');
     function processFilesChosen(ids, titles, urls) {
       var targetSheetCost = switchTargetMonth('sheet').cost;
       // record the files on the target cost sheet
       for (var i in titles) {
         i = parseInt(i)
         // Because of Google security update, we can not use this setSharing.
         // DriveApp.getFileById(ids[i]).setSharing(DriveApp.Access.ANYONE_WITH_LINK, DriveApp.Permission.COMMENT);
     function getOAuthToken() {
       return ScriptApp.getOAuthToken();
  2. 添加一个新的 html 文件,将其命名为 picker.html 并将之前发布的代码放在 picker.html 下。

  3. 将脚本发布为 API 可执行文件并记下 API ID

  4. 创建一个新的 google sheet 并使用前面提到的 API ID 从脚本视图的资源菜单中将独立脚本作为库导入。它将作为标识符 - 放置:

  1. 在 Code.gs 文件中放置:
function onOpen() {
  1. 最后为这两个项目启用 Picker 和 Drive API Access。

驱动器和选择器 API 访问


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