what is wrong on my script, export goes well but repeat the first column on all results fields. I dont want to download the file, just save it and its alright until here. Header sabe OK, but line keep the same on all 30 results. what I am doing wrong?
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: leafar
* Date: 11/12/17
* Time: 09:48 PM
namespace App\Action;
use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\DelegateInterface;
//use Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\MiddlewareInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterInterface;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Sql;
use Zend\Db\Sql\Where;
use Zend\Diactoros\Response\JsonResponse;
use Zend\Stratigility\MiddlewareInterface;
class ExportAction implements MiddlewareInterface{
private $dbAdapter;
public function __construct(AdapterInterface $adapter) {
$this->dbAdapter = $adapter;
public function __invoke(ServerRequestInterface $request, ResponseInterface $response, callable $next)
$sql = new Sql($this->dbAdapter);
$select = $sql->select(['a'=>'wp_posts']);
$select->where(function(Where $where){
$prep = $sql->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select);
$exec = $prep->execute();
$ii = 0;
foreach ($exec as $row):
$dataExport[$ii]['post_title'] = $row['post_title'];
$dataExport[$ii]['post_name'] = $row['post_name'];
$dataExport[$ii]['post_content'] = $row['post_content'];
$postid = $row['ID'];
$sql2 = new Sql($this->dbAdapter);
$select2 = $sql2->select(['b'=>'wp_postmeta']);
$select2->where(function(Where $where) use($postid){
$prep2 = $sql2->prepareStatementForSqlObject($select2);
$exec2 = $prep2->execute();
foreach ($exec2 as $row2):
if ($row2['meta_key'] == '_price'){
$dataExport[$ii]['post_price'] = $row2['meta_value'];
$columns = [
'"Título do produto"',
'"Nome do produto"',
'"Preço com promoção"',
'"Preço de venda em reais"',
'"Descrição simplificada"',
'"HTML da descrição completa"',
'"Endereço da imagem principal do produto"'
$headers = '';
$line = '';
$data = '';
$headers .= $columns[$i] . "\t";
$fp = fopen(TMP_PATH.'test.xls',"a+");
$fp = fopen(TMP_PATH.'test.xls',"a+");
$line .= (empty($dataExport[$a]['post_title'])) ? "\t" : '"' . $dataExport[$a]['post_title'] . '"' . "\t";
$line .= (empty($dataExport[$a]['post_name'])) ? "\t" : '"' . $dataExport[$a]['post_name'] . '"' . "\t";
$line .= (empty($dataExport[$a]['post_price'])) ? "\t" : '"' . $dataExport[$a]['post_price'] . '"' . "\t";
$line .= (empty($dataExport[$a]['post_price'])) ? "\t" : '"' . $dataExport[$a]['post_price'] . '"' . "\t";
$line .= (empty($dataExport[$a]['post_name'])) ? "\t" : '"' . $dataExport[$a]['post_name'] . '"' . "\t";
$line .= (empty($dataExport[$a]['post_content'])) ? "\t" : '"' . $dataExport[$a]['post_content'] . '"' . "\t";
$line .= "\t";
fwrite($fp, str_replace("\r","",trim($line)."\n"));
echo "OK!";
return $response->withStatus(200);
I try a lot of different ways to write the line to file xls.
But always the same result.
The loop goes well if u print $dataExport[$a]['post_title']
will show all title but when I write the $line
variable it repeat the first result.