所以我知道我需要通过 uuid 查询用户,然后更新用户,但我在如何做到这一点时遇到了麻烦,这是我当前的代码。我目前正在使用 morphia 和 spark-framework。
import eu.unionmc.api.model.User;
import eu.unionmc.api.service.dao.UserDAO;
import eu.unionmc.api.utils.DatabaseHandler;
import java.util.List;
public class UserService {
private DatabaseHandler dbHandler = new DatabaseHandler();
private UserDAO userDAO = dbHandler.getUserDAO();
public String addUser(User user){
return "add user";
public List<User> getAllUsers(){
return userDAO.find().asList();
public User getByUsername(String username){
return userDAO.findOne("username", username);
public User getByUUID(String uuid){
return userDAO.findOne("uuid", uuid);
public String update(String uuid, String body){
return "Not found";
我一直在搜索,但没有人使用我尝试过但失败的 morphia only mongodb。
public class UserRoutes implements ExportRoute {
private UserService userService = new ServiceFactory().getUserService();
public void export() {
Gson gson = new Gson();
String apiPath = "/api/";
* Return all users in a JSON format
get(apiPath + "users", (req, res) -> {
return userService.getAllUsers();
}, gson::toJson);
* Return a user match with params username
get(apiPath + "users/:username", (req, res) -> {
User user = userService.getByUsername(req.params("username"));
if(user != null){
return user;
}else {
return "User not found";
}, gson::toJson);
get(apiPath + "users/uuid/:uuid", (req, res) -> {
User user = userService.getByUUID(req.params("uuid"));
if(user != null){
return user;
}else {
return "User not found";
}, gson::toJson);
* Create a new user using a json body format
post(apiPath + "users", (req, res) -> {
User user = gson.fromJson(req.body(), User.class);
return userService.addUser(user);
}, gson::toJson);
//Update existing user by uuid
put(apiPath + "users/:uuid", (req, res) -> {
return "Do something to update";
}, gson::toJson);
用户类:只是一个类 POJO
package eu.unionmc.api.model;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;
import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Entity;
import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Id;
import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.IndexOptions;
import org.mongodb.morphia.annotations.Indexed;
import java.util.UUID;
@Entity(value = "users", noClassnameStored = true)
public class User {
private ObjectId id;
@Indexed(options = @IndexOptions(unique = true))
private String uuid;
private String username;
private long coins, tokens;
public User() {
public ObjectId getId() {
return id;
public String getUUID() {
return uuid;
public void setUUID(UUID uuid) {
this.uuid = uuid.toString();
public String getUsername() {
return username;
public void setUsername(String username) {
this.username = username;
public long getCoins() {
return coins;
public void setCoins(long coins) {
this.coins = coins;
public long getTokens() {
return tokens;
public void setTokens(long tokens) {
this.tokens = tokens;