在 AWS 上使用。
已经安装了 k8s 集群kops
运行后检查日志时$ kubectl apply -f echoserver-ingress.yaml
$ kubectl logs -n kube-system \
$(kubectl get po -n kube-system | \
egrep -o alb-ingress[a-zA-Z0-9-]+) | \
egrep -o '\[ALB-INGRESS.*$' | \
grep 'echoserver\/echoserver'
[ALB-INGRESS] [echoserver/echoserver] [ERROR]: Error parsing annotations: Retrieval of subnets failed to resolve 2 qualified subnets. Subnets must contain the tag:kubernetes.io/cluster/cluster01.orange-test.dev.drecom.jp tag with a value of shared and the tag:kubernetes.io/role/alb-ingress tag signifying it should be used for ALBs Additionally, their must be at least 2 subnets with unique availability zones as required by ALBs. Either tag subnets to meet this requirement or use the subnets annotation on the ingress resource to explicitly call out what subnets to use for ALB creation. The subnets that did resolve were []. (cache hit)
我在每个唯一可用区为一个特殊 VPC 设置了两个子网。并将集群名称的值设置为shared
. 为什么不能通过?