我正在尝试在 postgresql 9.0 上运行流复制。我正在按照链接中提到的步骤操作:http: //brandonkonkle.com/blog/2010/oct/20/postgres-9-streaming-replication-and-django-balanc/
当我尝试在 postgresql 上执行归档命令时,我收到警告,要求我无休止地等待。我按以下顺序执行命令:
SELECT pg_start_backup('base_backup');
cd /var/lib/postgresql/9.0/
sudo tar -cjf ~/postgres-data.tar.bz2 main
SELECT pg_stop_backup();
NOTICE: pg_stop_backup cleanup done, waiting for required WAL segments to be archived
WARNING: pg_stop_backup still waiting for all required WAL segments to be archived (60 seconds elapsed)
HINT: Check that your archive_command is executing properly. pg_stop_backup can be cancelled safely, but the database backup will not be usable without all the WAL segments.
WARNING: pg_stop_backup still waiting for all required WAL segments to be archived (120 seconds elapsed)
HINT: Check that your archive_command is executing properly. pg_stop_backup can be cancelled safely, but the database backup will not be usable without all the WAL segments.