我的项目中有这个 .htaccess 文件:

RewriteCond 上的 RewriteEngine $1 !^( {应该直接访问的文件和文件夹} ) RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /{full url to web root}/index.php/$1 [L]

现在我想添加直接重定向(不仅仅是覆盖 url)到 url 的散列的功能 - 如果存在这样的散列。例如:

site.com/contacts#/company ==> site.com/company

但是还做不到:( ...

提前致谢 ...


2 回答 2


Yes! ... I found the answer ... when I disabled the flash player and the javascript - then it doesn’t work :)

so - it has the js code to make it redirect to the hash only, and after the code - there is a flash, that do the redirection if the JS doesn’t do it ;)

Pretty clever :) ... tomorrow I’ll ask one of our action script programmers to make a flash, 1x1 px, that do this smile ...


YESS !!! :))))

于 2011-01-25T00:41:20.407 回答

The fragment is not transmitted to the server as it’s for client use only (due to privacy reasons). So you will need to do the redirection using some client side scripting.

于 2011-01-23T17:55:44.603 回答