我正在尝试在一个非常简单的循环 js 示例应用程序中将浏览器历史记录与包含在 onionify 状态存储中的状态同步。我从状态存储映射到历史没有问题,问题在于将 history.state 减少回状态存储。从本质上讲,我陷入了状态流相互流入的无限循环中,这会使浏览器崩溃。

import { run } from "@cycle/run";
import { div, button, p, makeDOMDriver } from "@cycle/dom";
import onionify from "cycle-onionify";
import { makeHistoryDriver } from "@cycle/history";
import xs from "xstream";

const main = (sources) => {
  const popHistory$ = sources.history; // This is the problem...

  const action$ = xs.merge(
    sources.DOM.select(".decrement").events("click").map( () => -1 ),
    sources.DOM.select(".increment").events("click").map( () => +1 ),

  const state$ = sources.onion.state$;

  const vdom$ = state$.map( state =>
      button(".decrement", "Decrement"),
      button(".increment", "Increment"),
      p(`Count: ${state.count}`)

  const initReducer$ = xs.of( function initReducer() {
    return {count: 0};

  const updateReducer$ = action$.map( x => function reducer(prevState) {
    return {count: prevState.count + x};
  // this is where the inifinity loop starts
  const historyReducer$ = popHistory$.map( history => function(prevState) {
    return {count: history.state.count};
  // You can't merge historyReducer$ here
  const reducer$ = xs.merge(initReducer$, updateReducer$, historyReducer$);

  const pushHistory$ = state$.map( state => ({
    type: "push",
    pathname: `/?count=${state.count}`,
    state: state

  return {
    DOM: vdom$,
    onion: reducer$,
    history: pushHistory$,
    debug: popHistory$

const onionMain = onionify(main);

run(onionMain, {
  DOM: makeDOMDriver("#main"),
  history: makeHistoryDriver(),
  debug: $ => $.subscribe({next: console.log})



2 回答 2




const pushHistory$ = state$.map(...)

 import dropRepeats from 'xstream/extra/dropRepeats'

 // ....

 const pushHistory$ = state$.compose(dropRepeats()).map(...)


这将在状态没有真正改变时过滤 pushState,但会使 URL 与状态中的内容保持同步,并且不需要您像在之前的答案中那样更改所有事件侦听器:)

xstream 的附加功能中有一些有趣的运算符https://github.com/staltz/xstream/blob/master/EXTRA_DOCS.md

于 2017-12-14T16:30:17.180 回答


import { run } from "@cycle/run";
import { div, button, p, makeDOMDriver } from "@cycle/dom";
import { makeHistoryDriver } from "@cycle/history";
import onionify from "cycle-onionify";
import xs from "xstream";

const main = (sources) => {
  const {
    DOM: domSource$,
    history: historySource$,
    onion: onionSource
  } = sources;

  const action$ = xs.merge(
      .mapTo( state => ({...state, count: state.count - 1, avoidHist: false}) ),

      .mapTo( state => ({...state, count: state.count + 1, avoidHist: false}) ),

    historySource$.filter( e => e.state !== undefined ) // essentially captures forward and back button events
           .map( e => e.state.count )
           .map( count => state => ({...state, count, avoidHist: true}) ),

    historySource$.filter( e => e.state === undefined && e.hash !== "" ) // capture hash change events and grab state data with regex
           .map( e => e.hash )
           .map( hashStr => hashStr.match(/count=(-?\d{1,16})/) )
           .filter( val => val !== null )
           .map( arr => arr[1] )
           .map( str => Number(str) )
           .map( count => state => ({...state, count, avoidHist: true}) ) // add state property for filtering history

  const state$ = onionSource.state$;
  const initReducer$ = xs.of( () => ({count: 0}) );
  const onionSink$ = xs.merge(initReducer$, action$);

  const domSink$ = state$.map( state =>
      button(".decrement", "Decrement"),
      button(".increment", "Increment"),
      p(`Count: ${state.count}`)

  const historySink$ = state$.filter( state => state.avoidHist !== true ) // filter for avoid history property
    .map( state => ({
    type: "push",
    pathname: `#count=${state.count}`,

  return {
    DOM: domSink$,
    history: historySink$,
    onion: onionSink$

const onionMain = onionify(main);

run(onionMain, {
  DOM: makeDOMDriver("#main"),
  history: makeHistoryDriver()

我猜想创建模拟服务器呈现的网页与历史交互方式的应用程序行为的关键在于,历史 popstate 的映射不会流回历史。现在看起来很明显,但我花了一段时间才弄清楚。

于 2017-12-13T02:48:38.250 回答