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我正在使用 AngularJS 和 jQuery 开发 Symfony 3 项目。我创建了一个集合指令来与 Symfony 表单构建器交互,以添加和删除集合字段类型的行。该指令有一个独立的范围,它设置了一个名为prototypeControl的2路绑定变量。在 twig 模板站点上,我调用prototype-control="{{ form.vars.id|camel_case }}Prototype"以获取集合字段的唯一 ID,因此这将与单个表单中的多个集合字段一起使用。奇怪的是,如果我在原型控制属性中将变量名设置为原型控制,一切正常。添加和删​​除按钮适用于加载时存在的集合行,删除按钮适用于动态添加的行。我需要它来使用自定义变量名称,以便我可以使用页面控制器中的隔离范围函数。

长话短说,当我使用带有表单 ID 的变量使其唯一时,我可以从 javscript 控制台触发这些功能,但是无论动态添加什么字段,删除按钮都没有任何影响。我可以让删除按钮工作的唯一方法是将 $compile 注入指令并编译 directvie 元素。


尝试使用和不使用 .contents() 方法。使用这种方法,一切看起来都很好,删除对现有元素和动态添加的元素都有效,添加按钮有效,但无论出于何种原因,添加按钮上的 ng-click 似乎每次都会增加监听器。所以下次我点击按钮时,它会添加两行,然后是四行,依此类推。

我尝试在 DOM 的不同级别上进行编译,但删除按钮永远不起作用。我尝试过的示例元素是删除按钮本身、存储在本地容器变量中的 DOM、原型 HTML 本身以及 .prototype-row。这些似乎都没有受到 $compile 的影响。只有编译元素变量似乎有效。


($_ => {
    $_.app.directive('formCollection', [
        ($compile) => ({
            restrict: 'C',
            require: '^form', // Grab the form controller from the parent <form> element,
            scope: {
                prototypeControl: '=',
            link(scope, element, attr, form) {
                // Declare prototypeControl as an object
                scope.prototypeControl = {};

                // Store the prototype markup in the scope (the template generated by Symfony)
                scope.prototype = attr.collectionPrototype;

                // Determine what the the next row id will be on add
                let row = element.find('.prototype-row').last().data('row');

                // Set the nextRow scope variable
                if (typeof row !== 'undefined') {
                    // Next number in the sequence
                    scope.nextRow = row + 1;
                else {
                    // There are no rows on page load. Setting the default to zero
                    scope.nextRow = 0;

                // Add prototype row (add button)
                scope.prototypeControl.add = ($event) => {
                    if (typeof $event !== 'undefined') {
                        // Prevent Default

                    // Get the element that will contain dynamically added prototype form rows
                    let container = element.find('.prototype-container');

                    // Replace the __name__ placeholder with the row id (typically the next number in the sequence)
                    let prototype = scope.prototype.replace(/__name__/g, scope.nextRow);

                    // Appened the prototype form row to the end of the prototype form rows container

                    // Re-compiles the entire directive element and children to allow events like ng-click to fire on
                    // dynamically added prototype form rows

                    // Increase the nextRow scope variable

                // Remove prototype row (remove button)
                scope.prototypeControl.remove = ($event) => {
                    // Prevent Default

                    // Get the button element that was clicked
                    let el = angular.element($event.target);

                    // Get the entire prototype form row (for removal)
                    let prototypeRow = el.parents('.prototype-row');

                    // Remove the row from the dom (If orphan-removal is set to true on the model, the ORM will automatically
                    // delete the entity from the database)

                // Manual control to add a row (omits the $event var)
                scope.prototypeControl.addRow = () => {

                // Manual control to remove a row by passing in the row id
                scope.prototypeControl.removeRow = (row) => {
                    // Find the prototype form row by the row id
                    let el = angular.element(`.prototype-row[data-row="${row}"]`);

                    // If the element is found, remove it from the DOM
                    if (el.length) {


{%- block collection_widget -%}
    {% if prototype is defined and prototype %}
        {% set prototypeVars = {} %}

        {% set prototypeHtml = '<div class="prototype-row" data-row="__name__">' %}

        {% set prototypeHtml = prototypeHtml ~ form_widget(prototype, prototypeVars) %}

        {% if allow_delete is defined and allow_delete %}
            {% set prototypeHtml = prototypeHtml ~ '<div class="input-action input-action-delete">' %}
            {% set prototypeHtml = prototypeHtml ~ '<a href="#" class="btn btn-secondary btn-destructive btn-small prototype-remove" ng-click="' ~ form.vars.id|camel_case ~ 'Prototype.remove($event)" data-field="' ~ prototype.vars.id|camel_case ~ '">' ~ deleteButtonText|trans({}, translation_domain)| raw  ~ '</a>' %}
            {% set prototypeHtml = prototypeHtml ~ '</div>' %}
        {% endif %}

        {% set prototypeHtml = prototypeHtml ~ '</div>' %}

        <div class="form-collection" prototype-control="{{ form.vars.id|camel_case }}Prototype" data-collection-prototype="{{ prototypeHtml|e('html') }}">
            {% for field in form %}
                <div class="prototype-row" data-row="{{ field.vars.name }}">
                    {{ form_widget(field) }}
                    {{ form_errors(field) }}
                    {% if allow_delete is defined and allow_delete %}
                        <div class="input-action input-action-delete">
                            <a href="#" class="btn btn-secondary btn-destructive btn-small prototype-remove" ng-click="{{ form.vars.id|camel_case }}Prototype.remove($event)" data-field="{{ field.vars.id|camel_case }}">{{ deleteButtonText|trans({}, translation_domain)| raw }}</a>
                    {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            <div class="prototype-container"></div>
            {% if allow_add is defined and allow_add %}
                <div class="input-action input-action-add">
                    <a href="#" class="btn btn-secondary btn-small" ng-click="{{ form.vars.id|camel_case }}Prototype.add($event)" data-collection="{{ form.vars.id|camel_case }}">{{ form.vars.addButtonText|trans({}, translation_domain) }}</a>
            {% endif %}
            {{ form_errors(form) }}
    {% else %}
        {{- block('form_widget') -}}
    {% endif %}
{%- endblock collection_widget -%}

这是我正在测试的特定集合的实际模板。这是使用以下方法data-collection-prototype动态添加到 DOM 的内容add()

<div class="prototype-row" data-row="__name__">
    <div id="proposal_recipients___name__Container">
        <div class="form-item form-item-contact">
            <div id="proposal_recipients___name___contactContainer">
                <div class="form-item form-item-first-name"><label class="control-label required"
                    Name<span class="field-required">*</span></label>

                    <input type="text" id="proposalRecipientsNameContactFirstName"
                           name="proposal[recipients][__name__][contact][firstName]" required="required"
                           ng-init="proposalDetails.proposal.recipients[__name__]._contact.firstName=''" class="input"/>
                <div class="form-item form-item-last-name"><label class="control-label required"
                    Name<span class="field-required">*</span></label>

                    <input type="text" id="proposalRecipientsNameContactLastName"
                           name="proposal[recipients][__name__][contact][lastName]" required="required"
                           ng-init="proposalDetails.proposal.recipients[__name__]._contact.lastName=''" class="input"/>
                <div class="form-item form-item-email"><label class="control-label required"
                    Address<span class="field-required">*</span></label> <input type="email"
                <div class="form-item form-item-phone"><label class="control-label"

                    <input type="phone" id="proposalRecipientsNameContactPhone"
                           ng-init="proposalDetails.proposal.recipients[__name__]._contact.phone=''" class="input"/>

        <div class="form-item form-item-company"><label class="control-label required"

            <input type="text" id="proposalRecipientsNameCompany" name="proposal[recipients][__name__][company]"
                   required="required" ng-model="proposalDetails.proposal.recipients[__name__]._company"
                   ng-init="proposalDetails.proposal.recipients[__name__]._company=''" class="input"/>
        <div class="form-item form-item-title"><label class="control-label required" for="proposalRecipientsNameTitle">Title<span

            <input type="text" id="proposalRecipientsNameTitle" name="proposal[recipients][__name__][title]"
                   required="required" ng-model="proposalDetails.proposal.recipients[__name__]._title"
                   ng-init="proposalDetails.proposal.recipients[__name__]._title=''" class="input"/>
        <div class="form-item form-item-role"><label class="control-label required" for="proposalRecipientsNameRole">Role<span

            <select id="proposalRecipientsNameRole" name="proposal[recipients][__name__][role]" required="required"
                    ng-init="proposalDetails.proposal.recipients[__name__]._role=''" class="hide-search"
                    data-show-search="0" chosen="chosen" data-allow-single-deselect="true" data-placeholder="Select"
                <option value="" selected="selected">Select</option>
                <option value="ROLE_PROPOSAL_SIGNER">Signer</option>
                <option value="ROLE_PROPOSAL_READER">Reader</option>
    <div class="input-action input-action-delete"><a href="#"
                                                     class="btn btn-secondary btn-destructive btn-small prototype-remove"
                                                     data-field="proposalRecipientsName">Remove Recipient</a></div>





1 回答 1


好吧,经过一些调整,我终于让它工作了。我最终发现使用两个指令可以防止添加添加,因为添加按钮只存在于父指令中,并且添加的元素只有两个子指令。所以我决定为.prototype-container原型行创建一个 div 指令。这样编译.prototype-container元素将注册动态添加的 ng-click 事件,而无需更改原型模板存储在 data 属性中的方式。


我将为任何可能有兴趣使用 AngularJS 处理带有 Symfony 集合类型的添加和删除按钮的人发布修复程序。我还将为那些想在他们的项目中尝试它的人发布 CollectionTypeExtension。


{%- block collection_widget -%}
    {% if prototype is defined and prototype %}
        {% set prototypeVars = {} %}

        {% set prototypeHtml = '<div class="prototype-row" data-row="__name__">' %}

        {% set prototypeHtml = prototypeHtml ~ form_widget(prototype, prototypeVars) %}

        {% if allow_delete is defined and allow_delete %}
            {% set prototypeHtml = prototypeHtml ~ '<div class="input-action input-action-delete">' %}
            {% set prototypeHtml = prototypeHtml ~ '<a href="#" class="btn btn-secondary btn-destructive btn-small prototype-remove" ng-click="' ~ form.vars.id|camel_case ~ 'Prototype.remove($event)" data-field="' ~ prototype.vars.id|camel_case ~ '">' ~ deleteButtonText|trans({}, translation_domain)| raw  ~ '</a>' %}
            {% set prototypeHtml = prototypeHtml ~ '</div>' %}
        {% endif %}

        {% set prototypeHtml = prototypeHtml ~ '</div>' %}

        <div class="form-collection" prototype-control="{{ form.vars.id|camel_case }}Prototype" data-collection-prototype="{{ prototypeHtml|e('html') }}">
            <div class="prototype-container">
                {% for field in form %}
                    <div class="prototype-row" data-row="{{ field.vars.name }}">
                        {{ form_widget(field) }}
                        {{ form_errors(field) }}
                        {% if allow_delete is defined and allow_delete %}
                            <div class="input-action input-action-delete">
                                <a href="#" class="btn btn-secondary btn-destructive btn-small prototype-remove" ng-click="{{ form.vars.id|camel_case }}Prototype.remove($event)" data-field="{{ field.vars.id|camel_case }}">{{ deleteButtonText|trans({}, translation_domain)| raw }}</a>
                        {% endif %}
                {% endfor %}
            {% if allow_add is defined and allow_add %}
                <div class="input-action input-action-add">
                    <a href="#" class="btn btn-secondary btn-small" ng-click="{{ form.vars.id|camel_case }}Prototype.add($event)" data-collection="{{ form.vars.id|camel_case }}">{{ form.vars.addButtonText|trans({}, translation_domain) }}</a>
            {% endif %}
            {{ form_errors(form) }}
    {% else %}
        {{- block('form_widget') -}}
    {% endif %}
{%- endblock collection_widget -%}

我在模板中所做的所有更改是我将已经存储并在页面加载时加载的原型行移动到.prototype-containerdiv 中。这只是最有意义的,并允许指令上的删除按钮与两个实例一起使用。

这是包含相互通信的两个指令的更新 JS:

($_ => {
    $_.app.directive('formCollection', [
        () => ({
            restrict: 'C',
            require: '^form', // Grab the form controller from the parent <form> element,
            scope: {
                prototypeControl: '=',
            link: function(scope, element, attr, formController) {
                scope.formController = formController;
            controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
                // Register the child directive scope
                this.register = (element) => {
                    $scope.prototypeContainerScope = element.scope();

                // Store the prototype template from the form theme in the controller prototype variable
                this.collectionPrototype = $attrs.collectionPrototype;

                // Determine what the the next row id will be on add
                let row = $element.find('.prototype-row').last().data('row');

                // Set the nextRow $scope variable
                if (typeof row !== 'undefined') {
                    // Next number in the sequence
                    $scope.nextRow = row + 1;
                else {
                    // There are no rows on page load. Setting the default to zero
                    $scope.nextRow = 0;

                // Controller method to get the next row from the child directive
                this.getNextRow = () => {
                    return $scope.nextRow;

                // Set next row from the child directive
                this.setNextRow = (nextRow) => {
                    $scope.nextRow = nextRow;

                // Prototype control methods from the page controller
                $scope.prototypeControl = {
                    add: ($event) => {
                    remove: ($event) => {
    ]).directive('prototypeContainer', [
        ($compile) => ({
            restrict: 'C',
            require: '^formCollection', // Grab the form controller from the parent <form> element,
            link: function(scope, element, attr, formCollectionController) {

                scope.collectionPrototype = formCollectionController.collectionPrototype;
                scope.nextRow = formCollectionController.getNextRow();
                scope.increaseNextRow = () => {
                    let nextRow = scope.nextRow + 1;
                    scope.nextRow = nextRow;

                    // Set next row on the parent directive controller
            controller: function($scope, $element, $attrs) {
                $scope.add = () => {
                    // Replace the __name__ placeholder with the row id (typically the next number in the sequence)
                    let prototype = $scope.collectionPrototype.replace(/__name__/g, $scope.nextRow);

                    // Appened the prototype form row to the end of the prototype form rows container

                    // Re-compiles the entire directive $element and children to allow events like ng-click to fire on
                    // dynamically added prototype form rows

                    // Increase the nextRow $scope variable

                $scope.remove = ($event) => {
                    // Get the button $element that was clicked
                    let el = angular.element($event.target);

                    // Get the entire prototype form row (for removal)
                    let prototypeRow = el.parents('.prototype-row');

                    // Remove the row from the dom (If orphan-removal is set to true on the model, the ORM will automatically
                    // delete the entity from the database)

此外,如果这对任何想在他们的项目中使用此代码的人有帮助,CollectionTypeExtension.php 内容:


namespace Unicorn\AppBundle\Form\Extension;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractTypeExtension;
use Symfony\Component\Form\Extension\Core\Type\CollectionType;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormView;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;

class CollectionTypeExtension extends AbstractTypeExtension
     * @param FormView $view
     * @param FormInterface $form
     * @param array $options
    public function buildView(FormView $view, FormInterface $form, array $options)
        $view->vars['addButtonText'] = $options['add_button_text'];
        $view->vars['deleteButtonText'] = $options['delete_button_text'];

     * @param OptionsResolver $resolver
    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
            'add_button_text' => 'Add',
            'delete_button_text' => 'Delete',
            'prototype' => false,
        ->setAllowedTypes('add_button_text', 'string')
        ->setAllowedTypes('delete_button_text', 'string')
        ->setAllowedTypes('prototype', 'boolean');

     * Returns the name of the type being extended.
     * @return string The name of the type being extended
    public function getExtendedType()
        return CollectionType::class;



于 2017-12-10T21:42:04.017 回答