我一直在尝试调整 解决方案以实现普通(非成员)函数的存在。就我而言,我有很多全局字符串实用程序类型函数,它们采用任何字符串类型 T ,例如 T 有一个char const* c_str() const成员函数。

目标是消除奇怪的编译器错误消息,如果用户尝试传递一些没有c_str()成员函数的类型 T,即,而不是编译器说“c_str():没有这样的成员函数”,我宁愿编译器说, "foo(T&): no such function" 哪里foo是全局函数。


template<bool B,typename T = void>
struct enable_if {
  typedef T type;

template<typename T>
struct enable_if<false,T> {

// This macro is adapted from the linked-to question -- this part works fine.
#define DECL_HAS_MEM_FN(FN_NAME)                                            \
  template<class ClassType,typename MemFnSig>                               \
  struct has_##FN_NAME##_type {                                             \
    typedef char yes[1];                                                    \
    typedef char no[2];                                                     \
    template<typename T,T> struct type_check;                               \
    template<class T> static yes& has( type_check<MemFnSig,&T::FN_NAME>* ); \
    template<class T> static no&  has( ... );                               \
    enum { value = sizeof( has<ClassType>(0) ) == sizeof( yes ) };          \

// Declare an instance of the above type that checks for "c_str()".

// Define another macro just to make life easier.
#define has_c_str(STRINGTYPE) \
  has_c_str_type<STRINGTYPE,char const* (STRINGTYPE::*)() const>::value

// A "ValidatedStringType" is a StringType that uses the above machinery to ensure that
// StringType has a c_str() member function
template<class StringType>
struct ValidatedStringType {
  typedef typename enable_if<has_c_str(StringType),StringType>::type type;

// Here's the global function where I want to accept only validated StringTypes.
template<class StringType>
void f( typename ValidatedStringType<StringType>::type const& s ) {

struct S { // Class for testing that has c_str().
  char const* c_str() const {
    return 0;

struct N { // Class for testing that does not have c_str().

using namespace std;

int main() {
  S s;
  N n;
  cout << has_c_str(S) << endl; // correctly prints '1'
  cout << has_c_str(N) << endl; // correctly prints '0'
  f( s ); // error: no matching function for call to 'f(S&)'

但是,如上所示,编译器没有“看到” f(S&)-- 为什么不呢?


2 回答 2



template<class StringType>
typename enable_if<has_c_str(StringType),StringType>::type
f( StringType const& s ) {....}


于 2011-01-23T12:51:01.727 回答


template<class StringType, class T = typename ValidatedStringType<StringType>::type>
struct f_helper {
  void operator()( T const& s ) {
      // Put the contents of f() here

template<class StringType>
void f(StringType const &s) {
  f_helper<StringType>()( s );


#define DECL_VALIDATED_FUNC( RetType, name, Validator, contents ) \
  template<class StringType, class T = typename Validator<StringType>::type> \
  struct name ## _helper { \
    RetType operator()( T const& s ) contents \
  }; \
  template<class StringType> \
  RetType name(StringType const& s) { \
     name ## _helper<StringType>()( s ); \

DECL_VALIDATED_FUNC( void, f, ValidatedStringType, {
   // put contents of f() here
}) // note the closing parenthesis


template<class StringType, class T = typename ValidatedStringType<StringType>::type>
void f( T const& s ) {}
于 2011-01-23T03:56:58.023 回答