我正在构建一个 T4 模板,它将帮助人们以一致且简单的方式构建 Azure 队列。我想让这个自我记录,并且有点一致。
首先我在文件顶部创建了队列名称,队列名称必须是小写的,所以我添加了 ToLower()
公共构造函数使用内置的 StorageClient API 来访问连接字符串。我已经看到了许多不同的方法,并且希望得到适用于几乎所有情况的东西。(想法?分享)
我不喜欢检查队列是否已创建的不需要的 HTTP 请求,所以我创建了一个
static bool
. 我没有实现 Lock(monitorObject) 因为我认为不需要。我不是使用字符串并用逗号解析它(像大多数 MSDN 文档一样),而是在将对象传递到队列时对其进行序列化。
为了进一步优化,我使用JSON 序列化程序扩展方法来充分利用 8k 限制。不确定编码是否有助于优化这一点
添加了重试逻辑以处理队列中发生的某些情况(请参阅 html 链接)
问: “DataContext”这个类的名称合适吗?
public class AgentQueueDataContext
// Queue names must always be in lowercase
// Is named like a const, but isn't one because .ToLower won't compile...
static string AGENT_QUEUE_ACTION_NAME = "AgentQueueActions".ToLower();
static bool QueuesWereCreated { get; set; }
DataModel.SecretDataSource secDataSource = null;
CloudStorageAccount cloudStorageAccount = null;
CloudQueueClient cloudQueueClient = null;
CloudQueue queueAgentQueueActions = null;
static AgentQueueDataContext()
QueuesWereCreated = false;
public AgentQueueDataContext() : this(false)
public AgentQueueDataContext(bool CreateQueues)
// This pattern of setting up queues is from:
// ttp://convective.wordpress.com/2009/11/15/queues-azure-storage-client-v1-0/
this.cloudStorageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.FromConfigurationSetting("DataConnectionString");
this.cloudQueueClient = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();
this.secDataSource = new DataModel.SecretDataSource();
queueAgentQueueActions = cloudQueueClient.GetQueueReference(AGENT_QUEUE_ACTION_NAME);
if (QueuesWereCreated == false || CreateQueues)
QueuesWereCreated = true;
// This is the method that will be spawned using ThreadStart
public void CheckQueue()
while (true)
CloudQueueMessage msg = queueAgentQueueActions.GetMessage();
bool DoRetryDelayLogic = false;
if (msg != null)
// Deserialize using JSON (allows more data to be stored)
AgentQueueEntry actionableMessage = msg.AsString.FromJSONString<AgentQueueEntry>();
switch (actionableMessage.ActionType)
case AgentQueueActionEnum.EnrollNew:
// Add to
case AgentQueueActionEnum.LinkToSite:
// Link within Agent itself
// Link within Site
case AgentQueueActionEnum.DisableKey:
// Disable key in site
// Disable key in AgentTable (update modification time)
// Only delete the message if the requested agent has been missing for
// at least 10 minutes
if (DoRetryDelayLogic)
if (msg.InsertionTime != null)
if (msg.InsertionTime < DateTime.UtcNow + new TimeSpan(0, 10, 10))
// ToDo: Log error: AgentID xxx has not been found in table for xxx minutes.
// It is likely the result of a the registratoin host crashing.
// Data is still consistent. Deleting queued message.
// If execution made it to this point, then we are either fully processed, or
// there is sufficent reason to discard the message.
catch (StorageClientException ex)
// As of July 2010, this is the best way to detect this class of exception
// Description: ttp://blog.smarx.com/posts/deleting-windows-azure-queue-messages-handling-exceptions
if (ex.ExtendedErrorInformation.ErrorCode == "MessageNotFound")
// pop receipt must be invalid
// ignore or log (so we can tune the visibility timeout)
// not the error we were expecting
// allow control to fall to the bottom, where the sleep timer is...
catch (Exception e)
// Justification: Thread must not fail.
//Todo: Log this exception
// allow control to fall to the bottom, where the sleep timer is...
// Rationale: not doing so may cause queue thrashing on a specific corrupt entry
// todo: Thread.Sleep() is bad
// Replace with something better...