Suppose I want to create n=3 random walk paths (pathlength = 100) given a pre-generated matrix (100x3) of plus/minus ones. The first path will start at 10, the second at 20, the third at 30:
given.rand.matrix <- replicate(3,sign(rnorm(100)))
path <- matrix(NA,101,3)
path[1,] = c(10,20,30)
for (j in 2:101) {
The end values (given the seed and rand matrix) are 14, 6, 34... which is the desired result... but...
Question: Is there a way to vectorize the for loop? The problem is that the path matrix is not yet fully populated when calculating. Thus, replacing the loop with
returns mostly NAs. I just want to know if this type of for loop is avoidable in R.
Thank you very much in advance.