使用 FluentFTP 连接到 FTP 时。
Console.WriteLine("Configuring FTP to Connect to {0}", hostname);
ftp = new FtpClient(hostname,port,new NetworkCredential(username,password));
ftp.ConnectTimeout = 600000;
ftp.ReadTimeout = 60000;
ftp.EncryptionMode = FtpEncryptionMode.Explicit;
ftp.SslProtocols = System.Security.Authentication.SslProtocols.Tls;
ftp.ValidateCertificate += new FtpSslValidation(OnValidateCertificate);
Console.WriteLine("Connected to {0}", hostname);
Console.WriteLine("Changed directory to {0}", foldername);
void OnValidateCertificate(FtpClient control, FtpSslValidationEventArgs e)
// add logic to test if certificate is valid here
e.Accept = true;
成功连接的 FileZilla 日志文件。我可以通过 FileZilla 连接该位置。日志片段如下:
2017-12-08 13:34:33 17672 1 Status: Connecting to xx.xx.xx.xx:990...
2017-12-08 13:34:33 17672 1 Status: Connection established, initializing TLS...
2017-12-08 13:34:33 17672 1 Status: Verifying certificate...
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Status: TLS connection established, waiting for welcome message...
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: 220-Microsoft FTP Service
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Status: Invalid character sequence received, disabling UTF-8. Select UTF-8 option in site manager to force UTF-8.
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: Warning: This IT system is restricted to company authorised users only, including authorised third parties. Unauthorised access or use is a violation of Company’s policies and potentially the law.
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response:
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: 220 Our IT systems may be monitored for administrative and security reasons. By proceeding, you acknowledge that you have read and understood this notice and that you consent to the monitoring. [ftps0]
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Command: USER ftp_usr_comp_ext
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: 331 Password required
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Command: PASS ****************
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: 230 User logged in.
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Command: SYST
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: 215 Windows_NT
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Command: FEAT
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: 211-Extended features supported:
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: LANG EN*
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: UTF8
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: AUTH TLS;TLS-C;SSL;TLS-P;
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: PBSZ
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: PROT C;P;
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: CCC
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: HOST
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: SIZE
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: MDTM
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: REST STREAM
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Response: 211 END
2017-12-08 13:35:06 17672 1 Command: PBSZ 0
2017-12-08 13:35:07 17672 1 Response: 200 PBSZ command successful.
2017-12-08 13:35:07 17672 1 Command: PROT P
2017-12-08 13:35:07 17672 1 Response: 200 PROT command successful.
2017-12-08 13:35:07 17672 1 Status: Logged in
2017-12-08 13:35:07 17672 1 Status: Retrieving directory listing of "/Prod/Outbound"...
2017-12-08 13:35:07 17672 1 Command: CWD /Prod/Outbound
2017-12-08 13:35:07 17672 1 Response: 250 CWD command successful.
at FluentFTP.FtpSocketStream.Read(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at FluentFTP.FtpSocketStream.ReadLine(Encoding encoding)
at FluentFTP.FtpClient.GetReply()
at FluentFTP.FtpClient.Handshake()
at FluentFTP.FtpClient.Connect()
at ASOSSFTP.DownloadFile.DownloadFileFromFTP()