Let's assume I have a class that has a property of type Dictionary<string,string>, that may be null.

This compiles but the call to TryGetValue() could throw at a NullRef exception at runtime:

MyClass c = ...;
string val;
if(c.PossiblyNullDictionary.TryGetValue("someKey", out val)) {

So I'm adding a null-propagating operator to guard against nulls, but this doesn't compile:

MyClass c = ...;
string val;
if( c.PossiblyNullDictionary ?. TryGetValue("someKey", out val) ?? false ) {

    Console.WriteLine(val); // use of unassigned local variable


Is there an actual use case where val will be uninitialized inside the if block, or can the compiler simply not infer this (and why) ?

Update: The cleanest (?) way to workaround^H^H^H^H^H fix this is:

MyClass c = ...;
string val = null; //POW! initialized.
if( c.PossiblyNullDictionary ?. TryGetValue("someKey", out val) ?? false ) {

    Console.WriteLine(val); // no more compiler error


3 回答 3




MyClass c = new MyClass();
string val;
if (c.PossiblyNullDictionary != null && c.PossiblyNullDictionary.TryGetValue("someKey", out val)) {
    Console.WriteLine(val); // now okay
于 2017-12-06T23:08:01.450 回答

通过初始化val一个 erhm 值(例如String.Empty),编译器能够理解空运算符的意图并按预期运行(通过 LINQPad,natch):

void Main()
    MyClass c = new MyClass();
    string val = string.Empty;
    if (c.PossiblyNullDictionary?.TryGetValue("someKey", out val) ?? false)


public class MyClass {
    public Dictionary<string, string> PossiblyNullDictionary;
// Define other methods and classes here


您要求的用例是这样的:假设我们有bool SomeMethod(string s, out v). 假设当被调用时,SomeMethod它是顽皮的并且只是有一个return true;. 编译器将方法调用主体视为不透明的(因为它可能并不总是在编译器可用/可见的程序集中),因此它得出结论,没有办法证明它val曾经被初始化。

ed:针对一些评论,我想更新我的答案,指出这种行为并非特定于C#???.C# 语言功能;您只需使用三元表达式即可重现相同的效果:

c.PossiblyNullDictionary == null ? 
    false : 
    c.PossiblyNullDictionary.TryGetValue("someKey", out val) 
 //error: use of possibly uninitialized local variable
于 2017-12-06T23:15:20.003 回答

这是因为如果 c.PossiblyNullDictionary 为 null,则不会执行 TryGetValue,并且该表达式不会返回 true 或 false。

c.PossiblyNullDictionary ?。TryGetValue("someKey", out val) 返回 Nullable,你可以用这样的代码替换你的代码并编译:

        string val;
        var result = c.PossiblyNullDictionary?.TryGetValue("key", out val);
        if (result.HasValue && result.Value)

于 2017-12-06T23:03:33.857 回答