We are using Websphere 8.5.5 Traditional

I have added an extended document root to Websphere's ibm-web-ext.xml file and set file sharing to true.

<fileServingAttribute name="extendedDocumentRoot" value="C:/extdocroot"/>
<enable-file-serving value="true"/>

inside the extended document root folder (C:/extdocroot) is a folder called pdfs. I would like to restrict the pdfs folder to only users who have logged in and have a particular role of 'school'.

the URL to serve up the pdf's is https://domain-name:9080/context-path/pdf/pdf-name.pdf I added a security constraint in the web.xml file

    <display-name>school PDFs</display-name>
       <web-resource-name>School PDFs</web-resource-name>

No matter what role a user is logged in as the PDF's will get served by the the server. Websphere is ignoring the security constraint for the URL that serves up PDF's from the extended document root. Is it possible to constrain these PDF's by the roles a logged in user has.

Note: My company has asked me to try and put these files outside of the ear file and also have Websphere secure the files using user's role. I was also instructed not to use the Apache HTTP Server to host these files since it is in the DMZ.


1 回答 1


我发现这是 Websphere 中的一个错误。升级到 后,我能够在 web.xml 中为扩展文档根目录中的文件夹添加安全约束。

我还在 Websphere 中对此进行了测试,一切正常。

于 2017-12-07T18:31:41.230 回答