您不能将 DbNull 强制转换为双精度。但是,您可以将其强制转换为可为空的双精度(c# 双精度?)。
我写了一堆 DataRow 扩展方法 (C#) 对此有很大帮助。使语法更加整洁。用法很简单。AC# 示例:
public class Hormone
public int ID { get ; private set ; }
public HormoneLuType Type { get ; private set ; }
public int AgeStarted { get ; private set ; }
public int AgeStopped { get ; private set ; }
public int DurationInMonths { get ; private set ; }
public bool IsCurrentlyUsing { get ; private set ; }
public DateTime? DateLastEdited { get ; private set ; }
public string Name { get { return Type.ToString() } }
public Hormone( DataRow dr )
this.ID = dr.CastAsInt( "ihormoneid" ) ;
this.Type = new HormoneLuType( dr.CastAsIntNullable( "ihormluid" ) ?? 0 ) ;
this.AgeStarted = (int) dr.CastAsDecimal( "nstartage" ) ;
this.AgeStopped = (int) dr.CastAsDecimal( "nendage" ) ;
this.DurationInMonths = (int) dr.CastAsDecimal( "nduration" ) ;
this.IsCurrentlyUsing = dr.CastAsBool( "lusingnow" ) ;
this.DateLastEdited = dr.CastAsDateTimeNullable( "tedit" ) ;
return ;
using System;
using System.Data;
namespace DataAccess.Utils
public static class DataRowExtensions
#region downcast to DateTime
public static DateTime CastAsDateTime( this DataRow row , int index )
return toDateTime( row[index] ) ;
public static DateTime CastAsDateTime( this DataRow row , string columnName )
return toDateTime( row[columnName] ) ;
public static DateTime? CastAsDateTimeNullable( this DataRow row , int index )
return toDateTimeNullable( row[index] );
public static DateTime? CastAsDateTimeNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName )
return toDateTimeNullable( row[columnName] ) ;
#region conversion helpers
private static DateTime toDateTime( object o )
DateTime value = (DateTime)o;
return value;
private static DateTime? toDateTimeNullable( object o )
bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull );
DateTime? value = ( hasValue ? (DateTime?) o : (DateTime?) null ) ;
return value;
#endregion downcast to DateTime
#region downcast to byte[]
public static byte[] CastAsByteArray( this DataRow row , int index )
return toByteArray( row[index] );
public static byte[] CastAsByteArray( this DataRow row , string columnName )
return toByteArray( row[columnName] );
#region conversion helpers
private static byte[] toByteArray( object o )
bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull );
byte[] value = ( hasValue ? (byte[]) o : (byte[]) null ) ;
return value;
#endregion downcast to Byte[]
#region downcast to int
public static int CastAsInt( this DataRow row , int index )
return toInt( row[index] ) ;
public static int CastAsInt( this DataRow row , string columnName )
return toInt( row[columnName] ) ;
public static int? CastAsIntNullable( this DataRow row , int index )
return toIntNullable( row[index] );
public static int? CastAsIntNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName )
return toIntNullable( row[columnName] ) ;
#region conversion helpers
private static int toInt( object o )
int value = (int)o;
return value;
private static int? toIntNullable( object o )
bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull );
int? value = ( hasValue ? (int?) o : (int?) null ) ;
return value;
#endregion downcast to int
#region downcast to int
public static decimal CastAsDecimal( this DataRow row , int index )
return toDecimal( row[index] ) ;
public static decimal CastAsDecimal( this DataRow row , string columnName )
return toDecimal( row[columnName] ) ;
public static decimal? CastAsDecimalNullable( this DataRow row , int index )
return toDecimalNullable( row[index] );
public static decimal? CastAsDecimalNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName )
return toDecimalNullable( row[columnName] ) ;
#region conversion helpers
private static decimal toDecimal( object o )
decimal value = (decimal)o;
return value;
private static decimal? toDecimalNullable( object o )
bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull );
decimal? value = ( hasValue ? (decimal?) o : (decimal?) null ) ;
return value;
#endregion downcast to int
#region downcast to bool
public static bool CastAsBool( this DataRow row , int index )
return toBool( row[index] ) ;
public static bool CastAsBool( this DataRow row , string columnName )
return toBool( row[columnName] ) ;
public static bool? CastAsBoolNullable( this DataRow row , int index )
return toBoolNullable( row[index] );
public static bool? CastAsBoolNullable( this DataRow row , string columnName )
return toBoolNullable( row[columnName] ) ;
#region conversion helpers
private static bool toBool( object o )
bool value = (bool)o;
return value;
private static bool? toBoolNullable( object o )
bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull );
bool? value = ( hasValue ? (bool?) o : (bool?) null ) ;
return value;
#endregion downcast to bool
#region downcast to string
public static string CastAsString( this DataRow row , int index )
return toString( row[index] );
public static string CastAsString( this DataRow row , string columnName )
return toString( row[columnName] );
#region conversion helpers
private static string toString( object o )
bool hasValue = !( o is DBNull );
string value = ( hasValue ? (string) o : (string) null ) ;
return value;
#endregion downcast to string