我在 Win32 上使用 Delphi 2007,需要将 TstringGrid 中的垂直滚动条设置为始终可见。你是怎样做的?
2 回答
You can hide scrollbars with the Scrollbar property set to either ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical, even when the number of rows and / or columns would normally make them appear.
You can however not force one or both scrollbars to be always visible but disabled, without creating a new descendent class and overriding methods. Unfortunately the standard grid controls have not evolved much since the days of Delphi 1, so your best bet is using some third party grid control instead. Preferably one that does also show proper proportional scroll thumbs.
There is a scrollbar property that can be set to ssNone, ssHorizontal, ssVertical or ssBoth.