我一直在编写自动化测试,以使用他们的测试服务(我相信使用 Mocha 和 Chai)在 Truffle 中测试我的众筹功能。我无法理解为什么测试不确定地失败(即它们似乎在随机点失败,随机例外)。



✓ deadline is set when beneficiary clicks start
✓ should return a State of 'Funding' after start is clicked (101ms)
✓ should allow someone to invest and record balance
✓ should send 1 ERC20 token to participant (184ms)
✓ softcap should not return reached when amountRaised is smaller
✓ softcap should return reached when amountRaised is bigger
✓ hardcap should not return reached when amountRaised is smaller
✓ hardcap should return reached when amountRaised is bigger
1) should give 1 ETH in change as hard cap was exceeded
> No events were emitted
✓ should return a State of 'Successful' when hardcap reached
✓ beneficiary should be able to withdraw funds
✓ should return a State of 'Finished' when beneficiary has funds

22 passing (2s)
1 failing

1) Contract: Sale should give 1 ETH in change as hard cap was exceeded:
 Uncaught AssertionError: deadline was not set after start pressed by beneficiary: expected '0' to not equal 0
  at test/2Crowdsale_Test.js:119:14
  at <anonymous>
  at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:228:7)

    throw reason;

 TypeError: Cannot read property 'currentRetry' of undefined

at done 
at <anonymous>
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:228:7)

这是令人困惑的,因为断言与错误消息不匹配 - 但是更改断言失败,返回的消息是通过的早期测试的一部分(截止日期在受益人点击开始时设置)。


✓ approves contract by beneficiary
✓ should return a State of 'Not Started' before start is clicked (134ms)
✓ deadline is set when beneficiary clicks start
✓ should return a State of 'Funding' after start is clicked (98ms)
✓ should allow someone to invest and record balance
✓ should send 1 ERC20 token to participant (143ms)
✓ softcap should not return reached when amountRaised is smaller
✓ softcap should return reached when amountRaised is bigger
✓ hardcap should not return reached when amountRaised is smaller
✓ hardcap should return reached when amountRaised is bigger
1) should give 1 ETH in change as hard cap was exceeded
> No events were emitted
2) should return a State of 'Successful' when hardcap reached

Events emitted during test:

Transfer(_from: <indexed>, _to: <indexed>, _value: 5)
FundTransfer(backer: 0xf17f52151ebef6c7334fad080c5704d77216b732, amount: 5000000000000000000, isContribution: true)
reachedSoftCap(recipient: 0x627306090abab3a6e1400e9345bc60c78a8bef57, totalAmountRaised: 6000000000000000000)

✓ beneficiary should be able to withdraw funds
✓ should return a State of 'Finished' when beneficiary has funds

21 passing (2s)
2 failing

1) Contract: Sale should give 1 ETH in change as hard cap was exceeded:
 Uncaught AssertionError: deadline was not set after start pressed by beneficiary: expected '0' to not equal 0
  at test/2Crowdsale_Test.js:119:14
  at <anonymous>
  at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:228:7)

2) Contract: Sale should return a State of 'Successful' when hardcap reached:
 Uncaught AssertionError: hardcap was not met when amountRaised was bigger: expected false to equal true
  at test/2Crowdsale_Test.js:195:14
  at <anonymous>
  at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:228:7)

    throw reason;

  TypeError: Cannot set property 'state' of undefined
  at done 
at /usr/local/lib/node_modules/truffle/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:353:11
at <anonymous>
at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:228:7)



✓ should allow someone to invest and record balance
✓ should send 1 ERC20 token to participant (120ms)
✓ softcap should not return reached when amountRaised is smaller
✓ softcap should return reached when amountRaised is bigger
✓ hardcap should not return reached when amountRaised is smaller
✓ hardcap should return reached when amountRaised is bigger
✓ should give 1 ETH in change as hard cap was exceeded (275ms)
✓ should return a State of 'Successful' when hardcap reached (61ms)
✓ beneficiary should be able to withdraw funds
1) should return a State of 'Finished' when beneficiary has funds
> No events were emitted

 22 passing (2s)
 1 failing

 1) Contract: Sale should return a State of 'Finished' when beneficiary has funds:
 AssertionError: State of contract was not 'Finished': expected '4' to equal 6
  at test/2Crowdsale_Test.js:243:14
  at <anonymous>
  at process._tickDomainCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:228:7)

这是与前两个完全不同的错误。这同样令人困惑,因为之前的测试(受益人应该能够提取资金)也测试状态等于 6 并且该测试通过。

每次测试前,我退出松露控制台,从项目中删除我的构建文件夹,重新进入松露控制台并测试(这样我可以假设链已被重置),但我仍然收到错误,首先,不要'没有意义,因为我在通过 Dapp 自己测试时没有得到这些结果,其次,不要每次都出现,这似乎是随机时间和随机错误。



1 回答 1

  • 这是令人困惑的,因为断言与错误消息不匹配 - 但是更改断言失败,返回的消息是通过的早期测试的一部分(截止日期在受益人点击开始时设置)。

这是非常典型的 javaScript 异步测试,无论您是在进行 ethereum truffle 测试还是只是从前端进行简单的 Karma-Jasmine 测试。

我非常有信心您在某些未正确设置的规范中的回调中有断言。由于缺少调用 'done' 回调参数,或者因为您没有在it调用中正确返回 Promise,因此规范通过,所以测试只是作为误报通过,忽略回调内容。

一段时间后,回调中的代码运行并失败,从而使正在运行的测试失败,但给出了来自其测试的错误消息,以及一个假阴性 - 因为您在错误的测试中遇到异常,从而使它失败了。



如果您绝对确定您的所有it规范都正确处理异步-返回 Promise 或调用done-,那么您应该粘贴您的测试代码并等待更多反馈:-S

另外,您在测试期间是否使用 testrpc 作为您的区块链?

于 2017-11-28T12:39:45.227 回答