I am working with an iOS mobile app written in Xamarin forms and distributed ad-hoc through Visual Studio App Center. My problem is that when an end user receives an email with the installation link, the app icon is extremely pixelated. The image used in the email is the 40x40 pixel version intended for notifications/iPad spotlight. I have tried to replace all the images in the project with new versions and made sure that all required icons were provided. However, it always uses the same image in the email.

How can I change the image that App Center uses as the project image?


1 回答 1


除了在这里发布这个问题外,我还联系了 App Center 技术团队。我收到了他们的回复,回复如下:

对于 Android,我们将使用启动器图标大小 xxhdpi。对于 iOS,它使用 CFBundleIcons.CFBundlePrimaryIcon 或 CFBundleIconFile。如果缺少这些,我们将使用您应用目录中的 Icon@2x.png 或 Icon.png。映像更新仅在您发布新的二进制文件时发生。将二进制文件分发到分发组后,我们将从您的版本中检索新图像并将其用作新的应用程序图像。

于 2018-01-25T13:43:50.197 回答