我有以下 HTML 代码(一个列表项)。内容并不重要——问题是第 2 行的结尾。
<li>Yes, you can learn how to play piano without becoming a
great notation reader,
however, <strong class="warning">you <em class="emphatic">will</em>
have to acquire a <em class="emphatic">very</em>basic amount
of notation reading skill</strong>. But the extremely
difficult task of honing your note reading skills that
classical students are required to endure for years and years
is <em class="emphatic">totally non-existant</em>as a
requirement for playing non-classical piano.</li>
已应用命令填充段落 (Mq)。我一生都无法弄清楚为什么在“阅读器”之后的第二行放置换行符,因为该行上有更多空间可以放置“但是”。我注意到的另一件奇怪的事情是,当我在第 4 行和第 5 行删除然后重新应用制表符时(分别以“have”和“of”开头),也会自动插入两个空格字符,如下所示:
<li>Yes, you can learn how to play piano without becoming a
great notation reader,
however, <strong class="warning">you <em class="emphatic">will</em>
have to acquire a <em class="emphatic">very</em>basic amount
of notation reading skill</strong>. But the extremely
difficult task of honing your note reading skills that
classical students are required to endure for years and years
is <em class="emphatic">totally non-existant</em>as a
requirement for playing non-classical piano.</li>
这只是一个错误,还是任何有经验的 Emacs 人都知道这里可能发生了什么?