//Make life easier by assigning the last two relevant messages to variables
Update pos0 = m_Network->positionUpdates[m_Network->positionUpdates.size() - 1];
Update pos1 = m_Network->positionUpdates[m_Network->positionUpdates.size() - 2];
//Calculate velocities for X and Z from last two messages
velX = (pos0.posX - pos1.posX) / (pos0.timeStamp - pos1.timeStamp);
velZ = (pos0.posZ - pos1.posZ) / (pos0.timeStamp - pos1.timeStamp);
//Calculate the time for when we are trying to predict
predictionTime = totalTime - pos0.timeStamp;
//Linear prediction model to calculate where we want the car to be
D3DXVECTOR3 newPos = D3DXVECTOR3((pos0.posX + velX * predictionTime), 2.0f, (pos0.posZ + velZ * predictionTime));
//Interpolate to the new position
D3DXVec3Lerp(&position, &position, &newPos, timeSinceLastFrame);
//Set the model to where the car is
m_Model->SetPosition(position.x, position.y, position.z);
但是,当我尝试从当前位置移动到新位置时,汽车甚至没有出现在屏幕上。查看从 Ve3Lerp 函数实际返回的内容,我得到的只是“-1 INDEF”。