您应该阅读和编写此代码将在程序运行期间完成这项工作。为了能够在您下次运行程序时显示上次使用的选择,您可以将 LastIndex 的值存储在注册表中。
// A dialog box with several filters for various media file types
static int LastIndex = -1; // Holds the last used filter. You can store it in the Registry to use it during next run.
const TCHAR szFilter[] = _T("Video Files (*.mpg, *.mov, *.mp4)|*.mpg;*.mov;*.mp4|Audio Files (*.wav, *.mp3, *.m4a, *.flac)|*.wav;*.mp3;*.m4a;*.flac|MXF Files (*.mxf)|*.mxf|All Files (*.*)|*.*||");
CFileDialog dlg(TRUE, _T("Select Media File"), NULL, OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST, szFilter, this);
if(LastIndex != -1) dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex = LastIndex; // restore last used index
// from last time
if (dlg.DoModal() == IDOK)
LastIndex = dlg.m_ofn.nFilterIndex; // Store last used index for next time
CString sFilePath = dlg.GetPathName();