您很可能将synchronize与sequence 混为一谈。
erlang 中的函数体是按顺序处理的。因此,斯宾塞所说的这种“自动魔法效应”并不适用于 erlang。不过,您可以使用 erlang 对这种行为进行建模。
count_words_in_lines(Lines) ->
% For each line in lines run spawn_summarizer with the process id (pid)
% and a line to work on as arguments.
% This is a list comprehension and spawn_summarizer will return the pid
% of the process that was created. So the variable Pids will hold a list
% of process ids.
Pids = [spawn_summarizer(self(), Line) || Line <- Lines],
% For each pid receive the answer. This will happen in the same order in
% which the processes were created, because we saved [pid1, pid2, ...] in
% the variable Pids and now we consume this list.
Results = [receive_result(Pid) || Pid <- Pids],
% Sum up the results.
WordCount = lists:sum(Results),
io:format("We've got ~p words, Sir!~n", [WordCount]).
spawn_summarizer(S, Line) ->
% Create a anonymous function and save it in the variable F.
F = fun() ->
% Split line into words.
ListOfWords = string:tokens(Line, " "),
Length = length(ListOfWords),
io:format("process ~p calculated ~p words~n", [self(), Length]),
% Send a tuple containing our pid and Length to S.
S ! {self(), Length}
% There is no return in erlang, instead the last value in a function is
% returned implicitly.
% Spawn the anonymous function and return the pid of the new process.
% The Variable Pid gets bound in the function head.
% In erlang, you can only assign to a variable once.
receive_result(Pid) ->
% Pattern-matching: the block behind "->" will execute only if we receive
% a tuple that matches the one below. The variable Pid is already bound,
% so we are waiting here for the answer of a specific process.
% N is unbound so we accept any value.
{Pid, N} ->
io:format("Received \"~p\" from process ~p~n", [N, Pid]),
这就是它的样子,当我们在 shell 中运行它时:
Eshell V5.6.5 (abort with ^G)
1> Lines = ["This is a string of text", "and this is another", "and yet another", "it's getting boring now"].
["This is a string of text","and this is another",
"and yet another","it's getting boring now"]
2> c(countwords).
3> countwords:count_words_in_lines(Lines).
process <0.39.0> calculated 6 words
process <0.40.0> calculated 4 words
process <0.41.0> calculated 3 words
process <0.42.0> calculated 4 words
Received "6" from process <0.39.0>
Received "4" from process <0.40.0>
Received "3" from process <0.41.0>
Received "4" from process <0.42.0>
We've got 17 words, Sir!