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我试图用不成对的元素(递归)填充malazylist,从元素k开始。例如:k = 2,列表为[2,3,5,7,9,...]代码:
let lgen = let rec gen k = LCons(k, fun () -> gen k (k + 2)) in gen 1;;
但是如何检查元素 k 是否未配对?(我认为这里我需要使用匹配)。
type 'a llist = LNil | LCons of 'a * (unit -> 'a llist);;
let rec lfind e lxs = match lxs with | LNil -> false | LCons(x, _) when x > e -> false | LCons(x, xs) -> if e=x then true else lfind e (xs ()) ;;