When I installed Symfony2 sandbox and try to check requirements by check.php I had 2 problems. My server don't have posix and intl extensions. I'm using WampServer 2.1e (32 bits) on Windows 7 32bit so my versions of apache and php are: Apache 2.2.17 VC6 ThreadSafe Php 5.3.5

I was trying to apply intl extension from http://windows.php.net/downloads/releases/php-5.3.5-Win32-VC6-x86.zip but i have weird error in apache log: "Can't find extension in c:/wamp/..." I'm sure that extension is in correct directory and enabled in php.ini.

With posix extension I have bigger problem. I can't find it at all on windows platform. In documentation of php it is said that it should be enabled by default, but it isn't.


1 回答 1


我将 XAMPP 1.7.4 与 PHP 5.3.5 一起使用,我遇到了同样的问题。

关于国际扩展的问题我这样解决了:我将名为icu*36.dll的文件从 php 安装文件夹复制到 C:\Windows

国际资源:http : //www.tiv.net/2010/12/php-intl-extension-windows-apache.html

谈到posix问题,我什至没有搜索过,因为此扩展用于为 CLI 输出着色,而 Windows shell 无法做到这一点。

于 2011-03-01T21:20:16.043 回答