
点 (x,y) 应该在三角形内。



3 回答 3



import random
def point_on_triangle(pt1, pt2, pt3):
    Random point on the triangle with vertices pt1, pt2 and pt3.
    x, y = sorted([random.random(), random.random()])
    s, t, u = x, y - x, 1 - y
    return (s * pt1[0] + t * pt2[0] + u * pt3[0],
            s * pt1[1] + t * pt2[1] + u * pt3[1])

这个想法是计算三个顶点的加权平均值,权重由单位间隔的随机中断[0, 1]为三个部分(在所有这些中断上均匀)给出。这里xy代表我们打破单位间隔的地方,并且stu在该中断之后的片段的长度。然后我们使用s,tu作为三角形中点的重心坐标


def point_on_triangle2(pt1, pt2, pt3):
    Random point on the triangle with vertices pt1, pt2 and pt3.
    x, y = random.random(), random.random()
    q = abs(x - y)
    s, t, u = q, 0.5 * (x + y - q), 1 - 0.5 * (q + x + y)
    return (
        s * pt1[0] + t * pt2[0] + u * pt3[0],
        s * pt1[1] + t * pt2[1] + u * pt3[1],

这是一个在三角形中生成 10000 个点的示例用法:

pt1 = (1, 1)
pt2 = (2, 4)
pt3 = (5, 2)
points = [point_on_triangle(pt1, pt2, pt3) for _ in range(10000)]


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
x, y = zip(*points)
plt.scatter(x, y, s=0.1)



由于您使用“numpy”标签标记了问题,因此这里有一个 NumPy 版本,可以一次生成多个样本。请注意,它使用矩阵乘法运算符@,在 Python 3.5 中引入并在 NumPy >= 1.10 中得到支持。您需要np.dot在较旧的 Python 或 NumPy 版本上调用来替换它。

import numpy as np

def points_on_triangle(v, n):
    Give n random points uniformly on a triangle.

    The vertices of the triangle are given by the shape
    (2, 3) array *v*: one vertex per row.
    x = np.sort(np.random.rand(2, n), axis=0)
    return np.column_stack([x[0], x[1]-x[0], 1.0-x[1]]) @ v

# Example usage
v = np.array([(1, 1), (2, 4), (5, 2)])
points = points_on_triangle(v, 10000)
于 2017-11-21T16:57:28.177 回答

好的,我想是时候添加另一个版本了。有一种已知的算法可以在三角形中均匀采样,详见论文第 4.2 章。


import math
import random

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

def trisample(A, B, C):
    Given three vertices A, B, C, 
    sample point uniformly in the triangle
    r1 = random.random()
    r2 = random.random()

    s1 = math.sqrt(r1)

    x = A[0] * (1.0 - s1) + B[0] * (1.0 - r2) * s1 + C[0] * r2 * s1
    y = A[1] * (1.0 - s1) + B[1] * (1.0 - r2) * s1 + C[1] * r2 * s1

    return (x, y)

A = (1, 1)
B = (2, 4)
C = (5, 2)
points = [trisample(A, B, C) for _ in range(10000)]

xx, yy = zip(*points)
plt.scatter(xx, yy, s=0.2)



于 2017-11-22T00:38:49.783 回答


import numpy as np

N = 10 # number of points to create in one go

rvs = np.random.random((N, 2)) # uniform on the unit square
# Now use the fact that the unit square is tiled by the two triangles
# 0 <= y <= x <= 1 and 0 <= x < y <= 1
# which are mapped onto each other (except for the diagonal which has
# probability 0) by swapping x and y.
# We use this map to send all points of the square to the same of the
# two triangles. Because the map preserves areas this will yield 
# uniformly distributed points.
rvs = np.where(rvs[:, 0, None]>rvs[:, 1, None], rvs, rvs[:, ::-1])

Finally, transform the coordinates
xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = -0.1, 1.1, 2.0, 3.3
rvs = np.array((ymin, xmin)) + rvs*(ymax-ymin, xmax-xmin)

均匀边缘?最简单的解决方案是将质量均匀地集中在 (ymin, xmin) - (ymax, xmax) 线上

rvs = np.random.random((N,))
rvs = np.c_[ymin + (ymax-ymin)*rvs, xmin + (xmax-xmin)*rvs]


于 2017-11-21T10:11:05.893 回答