I'm using LiveCharts on WPF to visualize log data. On the Y-axis, there are lists of doubles to be shown. The Y-axis' zero value (and in some cases, the values closest to it) are rendered as exponential numbers. In the meantime, the tooltips are showing the correct values (zeros). I've tried to pass decimals instead, but with no result. I'm using LiveCharts 0.9.7 and .NET 4.5. 0 on Y-axis is missing

I would appreciate any help :)


1 回答 1


发生这种情况是因为默认的 CartesianChart.AxisY.LabelFormatter 不够智能。


myChart.AxisY.LabelFormatter = value => value.ToString("N2"); 希望能帮助到你!

于 2017-11-20T14:42:36.423 回答