我正在尝试开发我们拥有的存储文档图像的应用程序的网络版本。但是,很大一部分图像是 tiff 的,IE 无法原生显示。任何人都可以推荐一个可以正确显示它们的好插件吗?


5 回答 5


Wouldn't it make more sense to have the web application convert the images to something standard either on the fly or using some caching mechanism and then allowing the user to download the tiff format if necessary?

于 2009-01-23T17:53:18.420 回答

IIRC, the QuickTime plugin handles TIFF acceptably - however at the cost of having QuickTime around. Unfortunately this is not negligible - QuickTime has never been too friendly on Windows systems.

于 2009-01-23T18:02:54.797 回答

QuickTime should work, but keep in mind that TIFF files are usually not optimized for size, and are often much larger than JPEG resp. PNG renderings of the same image.

To avoid slow page loads, it might be better to convert the images to JPEG resp. PNG for display, as others suggested

于 2009-01-23T18:12:40.190 回答

我在alternatiff.com 找到了一个不错的,以防有人感兴趣。

于 2009-01-23T22:00:15.567 回答

quicktime will do it.

于 2009-01-23T18:03:30.133 回答