我们收到了来自客户的本机(完整)故障转储文件。在 Visual Studio (2005) 调试器中打开它显示我们遇到了由试图分配 ~10MB 块的 realloc 调用引起的崩溃。转储文件异常大(1,5 GB - 通常它们更像 500 MB)。
因此,我们得出结论,我们有一个内存“泄漏”或失控分配,它们要么完全耗尽了进程的内存,要么至少将其碎片化到足以使 realloc 失败。(请注意,此 realloc 用于分配日志缓冲区的操作,我们并不惊讶它在这里失败,因为除了一些非常大的不可更改的缓冲区之外,一次性 10MB 将是我们所做的更大的分配之一——问题本身可能与此特定分配无关。)
编辑:在下面与 Lex Li 进行评论交流后,我应该补充:这对我们来说是不可复制的(目前)。这只是一个客户转储清楚地显示失控的内存消耗。
我们使用了DebugDiag 工具来分析转储文件(所谓的内存压力分析器),这是我们得到的:
Report for DumpFM...dmp
Virtual Memory Summary
Size of largest free VM block 62,23 MBytes
Free memory fragmentation 81,30%
Free Memory 332,87 MBytes (16,25% of Total Memory)
Reserved Memory 0 Bytes (0,00% of Total Memory)
Committed Memory 1,67 GBytes (83,75% of Total Memory)
Total Memory 2,00 GBytes
Largest free block at 0x00000000`04bc4000
Loaded Module Summary
Number of Modules 114 Modules
Total reserved memory 0 Bytes
Total committed memory 3,33 MBytes
Thread Summary
Number of Threads 56 Thread(s)
Total reserved memory 0 Bytes
Total committed memory 652,00 KBytes
Heap Summary
Number of heaps 26 Heaps
Total reserved memory 1,64 GBytes
Total committed memory 1,61 GBytes
Top 10 heaps by reserved memory
0x01040000 1,55 GBytes
0x00150000 64,06 MBytes
0x010d0000 15,31 MBytes
Top 10 heaps by committed memory
0x01040000 1,54 GBytes
0x00150000 55,17 MBytes
0x010d0000 6,25 MBytes
(1,5 GB),我们看到:
Heap 5 - 0x01040000
Heap Name msvcr80!_crtheap
Heap Description This heap is used by msvcr80
Reserved memory 1,55 GBytes
Committed memory 1,54 GBytes (99,46% of reserved)
Uncommitted memory 8,61 MBytes (0,54% of reserved)
Number of heap segments 39 segments
Number of uncommitted ranges 41 range(s)
Size of largest uncommitted range 8,33 MBytes
Calculated heap fragmentation 3,27%
Segment Information
Base Address | Reserved Size | Committed Size | Uncommitted Size | Number of uncommitted ranges | Largest uncommitted block | Calculated heap fragmentation
0x01040640 64,00 KBytes 64,00 KBytes 0 Bytes 0 0 Bytes 0,00%
0x01350000 1.024,00 KBytes 1.024,00 KBytes 0 Bytes 0 0 Bytes 0,00%
0x02850000 2,00 MBytes 2,00 MBytes 0 Bytes 0 0 Bytes 0,00%
Top 5 allocations by size
Allocation Size - 336 1,18 GBytes
Allocation Size - 1120004 121,77 MBytes
Top 5 allocations by count
Allocation Size - 336 3760923 allocation(s)
Allocation Size - 32 1223794 allocation(s)
我们可以看到,显然 MSVCR80 堆在 336 字节处拥有 3.760.923 个分配。这很清楚我们用大量的小分配清理了我们的内存,但是我们如何才能获得更多关于这些分配来自哪里的信息呢?
有关使用 DebugDiag、WinDbg 或任何其他工具的任何提示都可以真正提供帮助!另外,如果您不同意我上面的任何分析,请告诉我们!谢谢!