我正在尝试将休眠与 ms sql server 一起使用,并且难以将 sql 类型 datetimeoffset 映射到 java。如果我尝试在逆向工程配置中设置映射类型:

我收到一条错误消息。像 org.hibernate.MappingException: jdbc-type: microsoft.sql.Types.DATETIMEOFFSET 不是已知的 JDBC 类型也不是有效数字

我想在这种情况下只能使用 detault jdbc 类型。



2 回答 2


您可以提供自定义 Hibernate 用户类型。例如通过实现 org.hibernate.type.MutableType。

有关更多信息,请参阅Hibernate 参考

于 2011-01-19T10:06:50.877 回答

An example custom type implementation for DatetimeOffset type can be seen below, on top of this you need to set the sql-type directive in the reverse engineering configuration file accordingly.

 <sql-type jdbc-type="-155" hibernate-type="package.x.y.z.DatetimeOffsetType"></sql-type> 

The jdbc-type= -155 is for ms sql server datetimeoffset type.

An example implementation:

public class DatetimeOffsetType  implements UserType  {

static {

private static Method methodSetDateTimeOffset;

public Object assemble(Serializable arg0, Object arg1)
        throws HibernateException {
    return arg0;

public Object deepCopy(Object value) throws HibernateException {
    DateTimeOffset dateTimeOffset = (DateTimeOffset)value;
    return (value == null) ? null :
        DateTimeOffset.valueOf(dateTimeOffset.getTimestamp(), dateTimeOffset.getMinutesOffset());

public Serializable disassemble(Object arg0) throws HibernateException {
    return (Serializable)arg0;

public boolean equals(Object arg0, Object arg1) throws HibernateException {
    if(arg0 == null || ! (arg0 instanceof DateTimeOffset) || arg1 == null || ! (arg1 instanceof DateTimeOffset)) {
        return false;

    return arg0.equals(arg1);

public int hashCode(Object arg0) throws HibernateException {
    return arg0.hashCode();

public boolean isMutable() {
    return true;

public Object nullSafeGet(ResultSet resultSet, String[] names, Object owner)
        throws HibernateException, SQLException {
        return (DateTimeOffset) resultSet.getObject(names[0]);

public void nullSafeSet(PreparedStatement preparedStatement, Object value, int index)
        throws HibernateException, SQLException {
    // TODO check casting
    if(preparedStatement instanceof SQLServerPreparedStatement) {
        SQLServerPreparedStatement  sqlServerPreparedStatement  = (SQLServerPreparedStatement)preparedStatement;
         sqlServerPreparedStatement.setDateTimeOffset(index, (DateTimeOffset) value);
    }else {

         try {
             C3P0ProxyStatement proxyStatement = (C3P0ProxyStatement)preparedStatement;
             (proxyStatement).rawStatementOperation(methodSetDateTimeOffset,C3P0ProxyStatement.RAW_STATEMENT, new Object[] {index,(DateTimeOffset) value});
        } catch (Exception e) {



public Object replace(Object original, Object target, Object arg2)
        throws HibernateException {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    return null;

public Class<DateTimeOffset> returnedClass() {
    return DateTimeOffset.class;

public int[] sqlTypes() {
    return new int[] {microsoft.sql.Types.DATETIMEOFFSET}; //-155

private static void initializeMethods() {
    try {
        final Class c = Class.forName("com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerPreparedStatement");
        methodSetDateTimeOffset = c.getMethod("setDateTimeOffset", new Class[] {Integer.TYPE,DateTimeOffset.class});
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // TODO: handle exception
于 2011-01-20T09:53:10.203 回答