


  • 附加到正在运行的进程并链接到符号文件。
  • 遵循所有执行的源代码行。
  • 按下某个键(如“Ctrl+C”)后,生成如下所示的报告:


file1.c:010:  function1(1, 2, 5)
file1.c:011:    sum(1,2)
file1.c:020:      return 3;
file1.c:012:    sum(3,5);
file1.c:020:      return 8;
file1.c:012:    return 8;


有谁知道这是否可以使用windbg, cdb, Visual Studio 或任何其他方式来实现?


1 回答 1


如果有的话,你有你的 exe 的源代码和符号吗?windbg 可以步进和打印源代码行

下面的演示是一个简单的 recv 示例

启动带有 src 信息的 pdb 可用的可执行文件

:\>cdb recv

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.16299.15 X86

windbg 在系统断点处中断

771a05a6 cc              int     3

启用行信息的加载 启用源模式下的步进 启用 src 行的打印

0:000> .lines
Line number information will be loaded
0:000> l+t
Source options are 1:
     1/t - Step/trace by source line
0:000> l+s
Source options are 5:
     1/t - Step/trace by source line
     4/s - List source code at prompt

禁止除 src 以外的所有其他输出

0:000> .prompt_allow -reg -dis -sym -ea
Allow the following information to be displayed at the prompt:
(Other settings can affect whether the information is actually displayed)
   src - Source info for current instruction
Do not allow the following information to be displayed at the prompt:
   sym - Symbol for current instruction
   dis - Disassembly of current instruction
    ea - Effective address for current instruction
   reg - Register state

转到 main 和 step 10 次,您将看到每个步骤都显示 src

阅读和使用windbg中的控制目标帮助了解各种执行方法,如step until return、step until branch等

0:000> g recv!main
ModLoad: 69f50000 69f53000   C:\Windows\system32\api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0.DLL
>   13: int __cdecl main() {
0:000> p 10
>   24:     iResult = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData);
>   25:     if (iResult != NO_ERROR) {
>   30:     ConnectSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP);
>   31:     if (ConnectSocket == INVALID_SOCKET) {
>   38:     clientService.sin_family = AF_INET;
>   39:     clientService.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( "" );
>   40:     clientService.sin_port = htons( 27015 );
>   42:     iResult = connect( ConnectSocket, (SOCKADDR*) &clientService, sizeof(clientService) );
>   43:     if ( iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) {
>   44:         closesocket (ConnectSocket);
>   45:         printf("Unable to connect to server: %ld\n", WSAGetLastError());

Unable to connect to server: 0
>   66:         WSACleanup();
>   67:         return 1;
>   88: }
*** The C++ standard library and CRT step filter can be enabled to skip this fun
ction. Run .settings set Sources.SkipCrtCode = true">.settings set Sources.SkipC
rtCode = true to enable it. ***
于 2017-11-16T17:46:31.057 回答