在即将到来的 C++0x 标准中,当在移动构造函数内/期间抛出异常时会发生什么?
在即将到来的 C++0x 标准中,当在移动构造函数内/期间抛出异常时会发生什么?
I believe that the standards committee originally attempted to make it so move constructors would not be allowed to throw exceptions, but (at least as of today) found that trying to enforce that had too many pitfalls.
Proposal N3050, "Allowing Move Constructors to Throw (Rev 1)", has been incorporated into the draft standard. Essentially the proposal adds the capability for move constructors to throw, but to disallow 'throwing' moves to be used for certain operations where strong exception safety guarantees were needed (the library will fall back to copying the object if a non-throwing move isn't available).
If you mark a move constructor as non-throwing (noexcept
) and an exception is thrown, std::terminate() will be called.
It might also be worth reading a blog article by David Abrahams that discusses the issues that N3050 was intended to address:
取决于要移动的类型。当然,可以从移动 ctor 显式抛出异常,但也可以从移动 ctor 隐式调用子对象的复制 ctor。该复制ctor可能会做一些可能会抛出的事情,例如分配内存。因此,对于源对象,最低保证是原始值可能保留也可能不保留,但它仍应处于可破坏状态。
对于被移动到的对象,它与当前 C++ 中的 ctor 抛出相同:销毁任何构造的基和成员,执行 ctor 的函数 try 处理程序(如果有),然后传播异常。详细信息在 N3225 §15.2p2 中。
特别要注意,容器要求它们的分配器类型没有投掷移动 ctor:
分配器的这种移动构造不应通过异常退出。[N3225 §23.2p8]
您的问题相当于一个关于例外保证的问题。有 3 种类型的例外保证(适用于函数):
那么,如果在 move-construction 期间抛出异常会发生什么?这取决于子对象表现出的保证以及您组合调用的方式......
就异常保证而言,这意味着默认情况下,如果所有子对象的构造函数至少满足Basic Exception Guarantee,那么您的移动构造函数也将满足,无需特别注意。