

我正在使用amqplib 模块RabbitMQ一起工作,这里有方法consume,它从 RabbitMQ 提供消息,但该方法首先返回关于他开始的承诺,在这个承诺开始后,他调用回调从 RabbitMQ 获取数据,我不知道如何捕捉所有消息何时发送到我的节点 js 应用程序。


 * Here my test code
 * requirng amqp.node lib
let amqp = require('amqplib')
  , configConnection = { /* ..config options */ }
  , queue = 'users'
  , exchange = 'users.exchange'
  , type = 'fanout'

 * declare annonymous function as async and immediately called it
(async () => {
   * declare connection and channel with using async/await construction
   * who support version node.js >= 8.5.0
  let conn = await amqp.connect(configConnection)
  let channel = await conn.createChannel()
  await channel.assertExchange(exchange, type)
  let response = await channel.assertQueue(queue)
   * response: { queue: 'users', messageCount: 10, consumerCount: 0 }
  response = await channel.bindQueue(response.queue, exchange, '')
  response = await channel.consume(response.queue, logMessage, {noAck: false})
   * {noAck: false} false for not expect an acknowledgement
  console.log('reading for query finish')

  function logMessage(msg) {
    console.log("[*] recieved: '%s'", msg.content.toString())
   * output will show:
   * reading for query finish
   * [*] recieved: 'message content'
   * [*] recieved: 'message content'
   * [*] recieved: 'message content'
   * ...
   * But i'm need show message 'reading for query finish' after when
   * all consumes will executed
   * Ask: How i can do this?

2 回答 2



使用答案:EventEmitter && Promise

await new Promise(resolve => eventEmitter.once('consumeDone', resolve))


 * Here my test code
 * requirng amqp.node lib
let amqp = require('amqplib')
  , EventEmitter = require('events')
  , eventEmitter = new EventEmitter()
  , timeout = 10000
  , configConnection = { /* ..config options */ }
  , queue = 'users'
  , exchange = 'users.exchange'
  , type = 'fanout'

 * declare annonymous function as async and immediately called it
(async () => {
   * declare connection and channel with using async/await construction
   * who support version node.js >= 8.5.0
  let conn = await amqp.connect(configConnection)
  let channel = await conn.createChannel()
  await channel.assertExchange(exchange, type)
  let response = await channel.assertQueue(queue)
   * response: { queue: 'users', messageCount: 10, consumerCount: 0 }
  let messageCount = response.messageCount
  response = await channel.bindQueue(response.queue, exchange, '')
  response = await channel.consume(response.queue, logMessage(messageCount), {noAck: false})
   * {noAck: false} false for not expect an acknowledgement

   * declare timeout if we have problems with emit event in consume
   * we waiting when event will be emit once 'consumeDone' and promise gain resolve
   * so we can go to the next step
  setTimeout(() => eventEmitter.emit('consumeDone'), timeout)
  await new Promise(resolve => eventEmitter.once('consumeDone', resolve))
  console.log('reading for query finish')

  function logMessage(messageCount) {
    return msg => {
      console.log("[*] recieved: '%s'", msg.content.toString())
      if (messageCount == msg.fields.deliveryTag) {

于 2017-11-15T09:39:34.040 回答


let amqp = require('amqplib/callback_api');

function init() {

    let configConnection = {
        protocol: 'amqp',
        hostname: 'localhost',
        port: 5672,
        username: 'root',
        password: '1111',
        heartbeat: 60,
    let messageCount = 0;
    let messageCounter = 0;
    let queue_name = 'queue_name';
    let messages = [];

    amqp.connect(configConnection, function (error, connect) {

        if (error) {
            throw error;

        // Create channel and get info about queue
        connect.createChannel(function (error1, channel) {

            if (error1) {
                throw error1;

            channel.assertQueue(queue_name, {durable: true}, (error2, result) => {
                // here you get count of messages
                messageCount = result.messageCount;

                // Consume to queue
                channel.consume(queue_name, function (msg) {
                    msg = msg.content.toString();

                    // Show all messages and exit
                    if (messageCount === ++messageCounter) {

                }, {
                    noAck: true

于 2020-02-28T14:23:43.037 回答