给定的单词列表是 ["CAT", "BAT", "COT", "COG", "COW", "RAT", "BUT", "CUT", "DOG", "WED"]
由于图形是无向的,因此对于顶点 COG,其相邻顶点应该是 DOG、COW、COT(关系双向工作),但相反,我得到 COG 与任何事物无关。下面是我的代码
class Vertex:
def __init__(self,key):
self.id = key
self.connectedTo = {}
def addNeighbour(self,nbr,weight=0):
self.connectedTo[nbr] = weight
#string representation of the object
def __str__(self):
return str(self.id) + " is connected to " + str([x.id for x in self.connectedTo])
def getConnections(self):
return self.connectedTo.keys()
def getId(self):
return self.id
def getWeight(self,nbr):
return self.connectedTo[nbr]
class Graph:
def __init__(self):
self.vertList = {}
self.numVertices = 0
def addVertex(self,key):
self.numVertices += 1
newVertex = Vertex(key)
self.vertList[key] = newVertex
return newVertex
def getVertex(self,n):
if n in self.vertList:
return self.vertList[n]
return None
def addEdge(self,f,t,cost=0):
if f not in self.vertList:
nv = self.addVertex(f)
if t not in self.vertList:
nv = self.addVertex(t)
def getVertices(self):
return self.vertList.keys()
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.vertList.values())
wordList = ["CAT", "BAT", "COT", "COG", "COW", "RAT", "BUT", "CUT", "DOG", "WED"]
def buildGraph(wordList):
d = {} #in this dictionary the buckets will be the keys and the words will be their values
g = Graph()
for i in wordList:
for j in range(len(i)):
bucket = i[:j] + "_" + i[j+1:]
if bucket in d:
#we are storing the words that fall under the same bucket in a list
d[bucket] = [i]
# create vertices for the words under the buckets and join them
for bucket in d.keys():
for word1 in d[bucket]:
for word2 in d[bucket]:
#we ensure same words are not treated as two different vertices
if word1 != word2:
return g
# get the graph object
gobj = buildGraph(wordList)
for v in gobj: #the graph contains a set of vertices
BUT is connected to ['BAT']
CUT is connected to ['COT']
COW is connected to ['COG']
COG is connected to []
CAT is connected to []
DOG is connected to ['COG']
RAT is connected to ['BAT']
COT is connected to []
BAT is connected to []
BUT is connected to ['BAT', 'CUT']
CUT is connected to ['CAT', 'COT', 'BUT']
and so on....