var roleRepairer = {
/** @param {Creep} creep **/
run: function(creep) {
if (creep.memory.working == true && creep.carry.energy == 0) {
// switch state
creep.memory.working = false;
// if creep is harvesting energy but is full
else if (creep.memory.working == false && creep.carry.energy == creep.carryCapacity) {
// switch state
creep.memory.working = true;
// if creep is supposed to repair something
if (creep.memory.working == true) {
// find closest structure with less than max hits
// Exclude walls because they have way too many max hits and would keep
// our repairers busy forever. We have to find a solution for that later.
var structure = creep.pos.findClosestByPath(FIND_STRUCTURES, {
filter: (s) => s.hits < s.hitsMax && s.structureType != STRUCTURE_WALL
// if we find one
if (structure != undefined) {
// try to repair it, if it is out of range
if (creep.repair(structure) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE) {
// move towards it
// if we can't fine one
else {
// look for construction sites
// if creep is supposed to harvest energy from source
else {
// find closest source
var source = creep.pos.findClosestByPath(FIND_SOURCES_ACTIVE);
// try to harvest energy, if the source is not in range
if (creep.harvest(source) == ERR_NOT_IN_RANGE) {
// move towards the source
module.exports = roleRepairer;