
Scenario Outline: Verify logging in navigates user to Home page
    Given I navigate to "<url>" in chrome browser
    And switch control to Login iframe
    When valid "<username>" and "<password>" are entered
    And I click on the Login button
    Then The user is navigated to Home page

Examples: {'datafile' : 'src/main/resources/data/testData.xls', 'sheetName' : 'loginSheet'}

功能文件中的所有行都在步骤定义中实现,并且在执行 Testng.xml 文件时,我收到以下错误。


* Auto-generated code snippet by QMetry Automation Framework.
@QAFTestStep(description="I navigate to {0} in chrome browser")
public void iNavigateToInChromeBrowser(String str0){
    //TODO: remove NotYetImplementedException and call test steps
    throw new NotYetImplementedException();

请帮我解决这个问题,我是 QAF 的新手。


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