type Number = Rational
data Currency = USD | EUR | GBP
data Value = Value Number Currency
-- I can have this
type ConversionRate = (Currency, Currency, Number)
conversionRates :: [ConversionRate]
conversionRates = [(GBP, EUR, 1.2)]
-- This is not typesafe and would allow summing different currencies
sumValue :: Value -> Value -> Value
sumValue = undefined
-- This is also not typesafe
convert :: ConversionRate -> Value -> Currency -> Maybe Value
convert = undefined
{-# LANGUAGE GADTSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
type Number = Rational
data USD = USD
data EUR = EUR
data GBP = GBP
class Currency a
instance Currency USD
instance Currency EUR
instance Currency GBP
data Value a where
Value :: Currency a => a -> Value a
data ConversionRate a b where
ConversionRate :: (Currency a, Currency b) => Number -> ConversionRate a b
-- Now I can have type-safe currency operations
sumValue :: Currency a => Value a -> Value a
sumValue = undefined
-- And I can make sure my conversions make sense
convert :: ConversionRate a b -> Value a -> b
convert = undefined
-- But I can't hold a list of conversion rates that I can easily manipulate
type ConversionRates = ??
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
type Number = Rational
data Symbol = USD | EUR | GBP
data Dollar = Dollar
data Euro = Euro
data Pound = Pound
class Currency a where
toSymbol :: a -> Symbol
instance Currency Dollar where toSymbol _ = USD
instance Currency Euro where toSymbol _ = EUR
instance Currency Pound where toSymbol _ = GBP
data Wrapper = forall a. Currency a => Wrapper a
toCurrency :: Symbol -> Wrapper
我怎样才能在某些函数中具有类型安全性以及在其他函数中具有相同类型值的便利性?. 看起来像是一份工作,DataKinds
请记住,我在编码时没有所有数据。它将从 API 中获取。