我正在尝试使用 Rainbow Tables 编写一个程序来散列和破解长度为 4 的密码。哈希值的算法是:ℎℎ = (163 ∗ ℎ 0) + (162 ∗ ℎ 1 + (161 ∗ ℎ 2) + (160 ∗ ℎ 3)。
public void compute() {
//TODO: Add code to compute all possible 4-letter passwords - store in rainbow
// Begin your possible passwords with aaaa and end with zzzz
// Use hashCode(pwd) % 29 to determine the key (index) of where this element should be added to rainbow's ArrayList of ArrayLists
// You will need to cast as int, such as key = (int) hashCode(pwd)%29 - key is the index of where to add this element in the rainbow ArrayList of ArrayLists
if(password.length() != passwordLength){
throw new InvalidPasswordException();
while(password.startsWith("aaaa") && password.endsWith("zzzz")){
key = (int) (hashCode(password)%29);
rainbow.add(key, password);
import java.util.*;
public class HashMap implements HashMapADT{
private String password;
private Long hash;
private int key;
private final int passwordLength = 4;
ArrayList<ArrayList<PasswordMap>> rainbow;
public HashMap() {
password = "";
hash = -1L;
key = -1;
public HashMap(String str) {
password = str;
hash = hashCode(str);
key = (int)(hash % 29);
private void initializeHashMap() {
//Initialize an ArrayList of 29 elements - when dividing by 29 only remainders 0 - 28 are possible
rainbow = new ArrayList<>();
for(int i = 0; i < 29; i++) {
rainbow.add(new ArrayList<PasswordMap>());
public Long hashCode(String str) throws InvalidPasswordException{
this.hash = 0L;
//TODO: Calculate hashCode using hashing function based on powers of 29
return 0L; // temp - delete once hashCode method is implemented.
public void compute() {
//TODO: Add code to compute all possible 4-letter passwords - store in rainbow
// Begin your possible passwords with aaaa and end with zzzz
// Use hashCode(pwd) % 29 to determine the key (index) of where this element should be added to rainbow's ArrayList of ArrayLists
// You will need to cast as int, such as key = (int) hashCode(pwd)%29 - key is the index of where to add this element in the rainbow ArrayList of ArrayLists
if(password.length() != passwordLength){
throw new InvalidPasswordException();
while(password.startsWith("aaaa") && password.endsWith("zzzz")){
key = (int) (hashCode(password)%29);
rainbow.add(key, password);
public Long hash(String pwd) {
//TODO: Return the hashcode for a given password
// First, hash the password: int key = (int)(hashCode(pwd) % 29);
// Use this key to determine which element in the rainbow table you should be traversing to find the hash code
// Recall rainbow is an ArrayList of ArrayLists!!
key = (int)(hashCode(pwd)%29);
return 0L; // temp - delete once hash method is implemented.
public String hack(Long pwdHash) {
String pwd="";
//TODO: Given a hashed password, pwdHash, determine the password
// When identifying a correct hashed password, you will need to look at a difference RATHER THAN ==
// That is,
//if (Math.abs(pwdHash - rainbow.get(key).get(i).getHash())<.001) - you've found your password!!
// Note: key is the location of the rainbow list you should be traversing: key = (int)((pwdHash) % 29);
return pwd;
public String toString() {
return password + ": " + hash;