我正在尝试使用 Qt5、SoQt(版本 1.5.0)和 Coin3D(3.1.3)。我使用本网站上的说明安装 Coin3D。我也尝试安装 SoQt(在此处找到说明。我不得不稍微改变一下这些导出命令:

export COINDIR="/usr/local/share"

我尝试了四种不同版本的导出 INCLUDE,因为我对它的目的一无所知,我不确定这是否是我得到错误的原因:

export INCLUDE="/usr/local/include:/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore"
export INCLUDE="/usr/local/include:/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5"
export INCLUDE="/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/QtCore"
export INCLUDE="/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5"


checking for QT4... 
Could not gather the configure flags for Qt through pkg-config. Please
ensure that the qt pkg-config metadata .pc files, such as QtCore.pc,
exist on your system. In case the metadata .pc files are installed
into a non-default location verify that the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment
variable points to the correct directory.

Further details in how to set the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
can be found in the pkg-config(1) man page.

checking whether the X11 miscellaneous utilities library is available... maybe
checking for cygpath... false
checking for moc... /usr/bin/moc
configure: WARNING: header file qglobal.h not found, can not compile Qtcode
configure: WARNING: QTDIR environment variable not set -- this might be an indication of a problem

Could not find any way to build against the Qt library. If you
are sure Qt is properly installed on your system, see the file
config.log to find out what went wrong.

One common way to solve this problem is to set up the environment
variable QTDIR to the base of the Qt installation directory. Or if it
was already set up, double check to see that it is pointing at the
correct directory.

Note that it is possible to override the combinations of Qt libraries
configure tries to link against by setting up the environment variable
CONFIG_QTLIBS. This might be necessary if you have installed the Qt
library in a manner that is not compatible with any of the known
configurations, for instance by changing the name of the library or
the Qt library having more dependencies on other libraries that we are
aware of.

If you for instance know the correct set of libraries to be qt304.lib,
qtmain.lib and gdi32.lib (this would be on an MSWindows system), then
set CONFIG_QTLIBS to the string ''-lqt304 -lqtmain -lgdi32'' before
re-running configure.

If you still can't get the configure script to detect the presence of
and how to use the Qt library, please mail the config.log file to
<coin-support@coin3d.org> and ask for help.

configure: error: aborting

我可能错了,但似乎他正在寻找 Qt4 而不是 Qt5,因为

checking for QT4... 


configure: WARNING: header file qglobal.h not found, can not compile Qtcode

这就是为什么我尝试使用 qt5/QtCore 而不是 qt5 作为路径的原因,因为在 QtCore 中有一个 qglobal.h 但它不会改变任何东西。

在使用 Qt5 设置 SoQt 时是否有其他人遇到过类似的问题并且可以帮助我?



1 回答 1


这些版本非常古老(2012 年)。请从 CMake 分支 [1] 获取 Coin 的最新来源,从 [2] 获取 SoQt。使用 CMake 构建。另请参阅有关高 DPI 支持的讨论 [3]。

[1] https://bitbucket.org/Coin3D/coin/branch/CMake
[2] https://bitbucket.org/Coin3D/soqt/branch/default
[3] https://groups.google.com/forum /#!topic/coin3d-discuss/ipkSH08iFNk

于 2017-11-04T21:41:37.050 回答