我一直在通过谷歌四处寻找一些指导,让我通过 AppleScript 在 iPhoto 中做一些我需要做的事情,但到目前为止还没有找到很多。有各种旧版本的 iPhoto 脚本的各种旧讨论,但没有什么对我的需要特别有帮助。基本上,在伪代码中,我希望这样做:
for each photo in library
if photo.Description contains "a known string"
photo.Description = photo.Description.Replace("a known string", "")
end if
end for
也就是说,我有一段错误的文字出现在我图书馆的每张(嗯,几乎每张)照片中。我猜我在过去的某个时候搞砸了一批更改,直到现在才注意到。无论是那个还是从 iPhoto '08 到 '11 的升级都以某种方式做到了。无论哪种方式,最终结果都是一样的。
我对 AppleScript 并不精通,并且很难找到正确的语法/词汇来使用它。基本上,我在这tell application "iPhoto"
- 每张照片都按时间顺序组织成事件。(活动是我的主要组织形式。)
- 有很多专辑,但并非所有专辑都在专辑中。
- 有一个智能相册,其中包含每张错误的照片。当然,这是基于照片描述中已知字符串的存在。所以我想如果最终代码循环遍历这个智能相册中的照片,可能需要记住这一点,因为智能相册可能会改变被迭代的数组,不是吗?
tell application "iPhoto"
set thePhotos to get every photo
repeat with aPhoto in thePhotos
if aPhoto's comment contains "[known string]" then
log aPhoto's comment
tell aPhoto to set it's comment to text 1 thru (offset of "[known string]" in aPhoto's comment) of aPhoto's comment
log aPhoto's comment
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
tell application "iPhoto"
get every photo
get comment of photo id 4.294977224E+9
(*comment of photo id 4.294977224E+9*)
offset of "[known string]" in comment of photo id 4.294977224E+9
«event ascrgdut»
offset of "[known string]" in comment of photo id 4.294977224E+9
end tell
tell current application
offset of "[known string]" in «class pcom» of «class ipmr» id 4.294977224E+9
error "iPhoto got an error: Can’t make comment of photo id 4.294977224E+9 into type string." number -1700 from comment of photo id 4.294977224E+9 to string
tell application "iPhoto"
set thePhotos to get every photo
repeat with aPhoto in thePhotos
if aPhoto's comment contains "[known string]" then
log aPhoto's comment as text
set theComment to aPhoto's comment as text
set theComment to text 1 thru (offset of "[known string]" in theComment) of theComment
tell aPhoto to set it's comment to theComment
log aPhoto's comment as text
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end tell
现在备份我的库并删除exit repeat
. 并且可能会在运行时去做其他事情:)