I have a QString that I need to insert it to a QJsonArray. The problem is that the string is inserrted as it is and the escape sequences doesnot work.
QString fmt = QString("{\n \"%1\":\"%2\"\n}").arg(id,name);
QJsonValue qjv(fmt);
labellist.insert(lSize, qjv);
Here, the qstring is populated with the values from "id" and "name" (these are also QString) and then inserted to qjsonarray. The labellist here is a QJsonArray. The inputs to the QString are say for example "55" and "ggg". When I print the qstring like
qDebug().noquote() << fmt;
it gives me
but if I insert it to the labellist and print the labellist it gives:
QJsonArray([{"121":"fuu"},{"122":"cat"},{"123":"dog"},"{\n \"55\":\"ggg\"\n}"])
The format of the QJsonvalues in the above array is lost.
How to decode the string to preserve the format and make the escape sequences work?