我从这里下载了一个 fasttext 词向量文件。



  1. 文件权限(ls -ltra wiki.es.vec)

    -rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 2594302560 May  2  2017 wiki.es.vec
  2. lsattr 的结果 (lsattr wiki.es.vec)

    lsattr: Operation not permitted While reading flags on wiki.es.vec
  3. 以 root 身份登录时 lsattr 的结果 (lsattr wiki.es.vec)

    lsattr: Operation not permitted While reading flags on wiki.es.vec
  4. chattr 也不起作用(chattr -i wiki.es.vec)

    chattr: Operation not permitted while reading flags on wiki.es.vec

我检查了符号链接,没有链接。我拥有我的机器的所有权利。问题仅在于大文件(大小 2.4 GB、6.6 GB),如果大小小于该大小,则没有问题。


1 回答 1


The problem was due to the anti-virus, either completely uninstall it or provide an exception for these kinds of files.

I researched a lot and found that this may happen due to anti-virus. Linux is already a safe system, it doesn't give permission to any file whether it is malicious or not. If you install anti-virus, the software itself has the permission to all the files, which should not be the case. It even stops root from doing its work.

You can check the various blogs and forums, everybody says that one should NEVER install anti-virus on Linux machine.

于 2017-12-01T09:23:53.437 回答