我试图将我的 redux 存储持久化到 sessionStorage,并且我希望一个减速器不要持久化。我试图将其名称添加到黑名单数组中,但它仍然保留整个商店。你们能告诉我配置中的键是什么吗?在文档中它显示如下
key: string, // the key for the persist
storage: Object, // the storage adapter, following the AsyncStorage api
version?: number, // the state version as an integer (defaults to -1)
blacklist?: Array<string>, // do not persist these keys
whitelist?: Array<string>, // only persist they keys
migrate?: (Object, number) => Promise<Object>,
transforms?: Array<Transform>,
throttle?: number,
keyPrefix?: string, // will be prefixed to the storage key
debug?: boolean, // true -> verbose logs
stateReconciler?: false | StateReconciler, // false -> do not
automatically reconcile state