如何使这个响应?我希望渐变和文本随着屏幕大小的变化而调整大小并保持居中。现在,渐变会不时重复,字体保持不变。我希望第一部分是 100vh,第二部分(还没有标记)不应该有渐变。


html {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
h1 {
  width: 100%;
  top: 50%;
  left: 0;
  line-height: 200px;
  margin-top: -100px;
  position: absolute;
  text-align: center;
  font-family: Raleway;
  color: white;
  font-size: 3em;
body {
  background: #ff7043; /* For browsers that do not support gradients */    
  background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left top, #ff7043, #ffc17); /* For Safari 5.1 to 6.0 */
  background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom right, #ff7043, #300032); /* For Opera 11.1 to 12.0 */
  background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom right, #ff7043, #300032); /* For Firefox 3.6 to 15 */
  background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #f79f79, #f7d08a); /* Standard syntax (must be last) */
<section id="gradient">
  <h1>The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow</h1>


3 回答 3



html, body {
  height: 100vw;
  margin: 0;

h1 {
  width: 100%;
  top: 50%;
  left: 0;
  line-height: 200px;
  margin-top: -100px;
  position: absolute;
  text-align: center;
  font-family: Raleway;
  color: white;
  font-size: 3vw;


 background-repeat: no-repeat;
 background-attachment: fixed;


于 2017-10-30T21:06:50.113 回答
    html, body {
      height: 100vw;
      margin: 0;

    h1 {
      width: 100%;
      top: 50%;
      left: 0;
      line-height: 200px;
      margin-top: -100px;
      position: absolute;
      text-align: center;
      font-family: Raleway;
      color: white;
      font-size: 2vw;

    body {
        background: #ff7043; /* For browsers that do not support gradients */    

    #sun {
      width: 100vw;
      height: 100vh;
      background: -webkit-linear-gradient(left top, #ff7043, #ffc17); /* For Safari 5.1 to 6.0 */
      background: -o-linear-gradient(bottom right, #ff7043, #300032); /* For Opera 11.1 to 12.0 */
      background: -moz-linear-gradient(bottom right, #ff7043, #300032); /* For Firefox 3.6 to 15 */
      background: linear-gradient(to bottom right, #f79f79, #f7d08a); /* Standard syntax (must be last) */

<section id="sun">
    <h1>The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow</h1>
于 2017-10-30T21:45:46.980 回答

你应该使用position: relative;而不是position: absolute;

也放上这段代码font-size: 3vw;

于 2017-10-30T21:03:52.923 回答