我正在尝试通过 Ajax 加载重力形式。我在另一个 javascript 的用户操作期间加载了表单。只要表单上有日期字段,表单就会完美地加载和提交。一旦我从表单中删除日期字段,我就会收到以下错误:
未捕获的 ReferenceError:未定义 gformInitSpinner
我已经尝试了重力形式的 js 错误中建议的解决方案,但无法解决问题。
function plc_ajax_get_form(){
$available_forms = [
'Create Opponent',
# To Do:
# make sure that the user has permission
if (isset ($_POST['form']) && in_array ($_POST['form'], $available_forms)) {
$f = PLCForms::get($_POST['form']); // <- Custom method just to get the form id by name.
# gravity_form_enqueue_scripts ($f->id, true); // This method doesn't work
gravity_form ($f->id, true, false, false, false, true);
else {
print 'No form found.';
add_action ('wp_ajax_plc_get_form', 'plc_ajax_get_form');
Ajax 脚本
(function ($) {
window.testCall = function (form, name, val) {
var data = {
action: 'plc_get_form',
security : PLCGetForm.security,
form: form
$.post (PLCGetForm.ajaxurl, data, function (response) {
$('body').append('<div class="lb-form" style="background: white;width: 100%;position: absolute;top: 50px;z-index:1000;">' + response + '</div>');
$('.lb-form form input[name="' + name + '"]').val(val);
processLBForm (form, testCallback);
window.testCallback = function (data) {
console.log (data);
window.processLBForm = function (form, callback) {
$('.lb-form form').submit(function (e){
var data = {
action: 'plc_gf_submit',
security: PLCGFSumbit.security,
form: form,
data: $(this).serializeArray()
$.post (PLCGFSumbit.ajaxurl, data, function (response) {
data = JSON.parse(response);
if (data.is_valid) {
$('.lb-form form .gform_heading, .lb-form form .gform_body, .lb-form form .gform_footer, .lb-form form .validation_error').remove();
var m = '';
if (typeof (data.confirmation_message) == 'string') {
m = data.confirmation_message;
else {
m = 'Your data was saved.';
m = '<div id="gform_confirmation_wrapper_2" class="gform_confirmation_wrapper "><div id="gform_confirmation_message_2" class="gform_confirmation_message_2 gform_confirmation_message">' + m + '</div></div>';
$('.lb-form form').append (m);
if (typeof (callback) === 'function') {
callback (data);
else if (typeof(data.validation_messages) == 'object') {
var m = '';
$('.lb-form form .validation_error').remove();
$('.lb-form form .validation_message').remove();
for (var key in data.validation_messages) {
// Skip loop if the property is from prototype
if (!data.validation_messages.hasOwnProperty(key)) continue;
$('.lb-form form input[name="input_' + key + '"]').parents('.gfield').addClass('gfield_error');
$('.lb-form form input[name="input_' + key + '"]').parents('.gfield').append('<div class="gfield_description validation_message">' + data.validation_messages[key] + '</div>');
$('.lb-form form .gform_heading').after ('<div class="validation_error">There was a problem with your submission. Errors have been highlighted below.</div>');
$('.lb-form form input[type="submit"]').click(function(){
$('.lb-form form').submit();
else {
$('.lb-form form .validation_error').remove();
$('.lb-form form .gform_heading').after ('<div class="validation_error">There was a problem with your submission. No validation messages were set. Please contact your admin.</div>');
$('.lb-form form input[type="submit"]').click(function(){
$('.lb-form form').submit();
(function ($) {
testCall('Simple', 'input_1', 'test');
带有日期字段的表单是页面上的另一种表单......我刚刚意识到它不是通过 ajax 调用的......所以我需要找到已经通过简码加载的页面中的差异,它似乎使 ajax 表单工作。将 ajax 添加到简码不起作用。
[gravityform id="2" title="true" ajax="true"]