
    "type": "foo"
    "data": { /* foo object */ }


final public class UntypedObject: Decodable {

    public var data: Data

    enum UntypedObjectKeys: CodingKey {
        case data

    required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: UntypedObjectKeys.self)

        self.data = try values.decode(Data.self, forKey: .data)


let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let objectList = try decoder.decode([UntypedObject].self, from: data)


typeMismatch(Swift.Array, Swift.DecodingError.Context(codingPath: [Foundation.(_JSONKey in _12768CA107A31EF2DCE034FD75B541C9)(stringValue: "Index 0", intValue: Optional(0)), Playground_Sources.UntypedObject.UntypedObjectKeys.data], debugDescription: "预期解码 Array 但找到了字典。”,基础错误:无))

所以问题是是否有可能将正确的 JSON 对象解码为Data类型化属性,如果是这样 - 我该如何实现呢?


3 回答 3


这对于 OP 来说可能为时已晚,但我有一个类似的问题需要解决。希望这对其他人有用。

对于我的问题,我想Decodable用 Swift 5.1 来解码我的 JSON。但是,在我的对象层次结构的各个点,我想返回一个不支持的 objC 对象(来自第三方库)Decodable,但确实支持从(非平凡的)JSON 字符串解码。我通过JSONSerialization创建一个无类型的对象层次结构解决了这个问题,我可以从解码器的userInfo属性中检索并使用解码器的属性进行搜索contextPath以找到我的数据,然后JSONSerialization将其转换回字符串数据。


// Swift 5.1 Playground
import Foundation

// Input configuration JSON
let jsonStr = """
  "bars": [

// Object passed to the decoder in the UserInfo Dictionary
// This will contain the serialized JSON data for use by
// child objects
struct MyCodingOptions {
  let json: Any

  static let key = CodingUserInfoKey(rawValue: "com.unique.mycodingoptions")!

let jsonData = Data(jsonStr.utf8)
let json = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: jsonData)
let options = MyCodingOptions(json: json)

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
decoder.userInfo = [MyCodingOptions.key: options]

// My object hierarchy
struct Root: Decodable {
  let foo: String
  let bars: [Bar]

struct Bar: Decodable {
  let data: Data?

  enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
    case data = "data"

// Implement a custom decoder for Bar
// Use the context path and the serialized JSON to get the json value
// of "data" and then deserialize it back to data.
extension Bar {
  init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
    var data: Data? = nil
    if let options = decoder.userInfo[MyCodingOptions.key] as? MyCodingOptions {
      // intialize item to the whole json object, then mutate it down the "path" to Bar
      var item: Any? = options.json
      let path = decoder.codingPath // The path to the current object, does not include self
      for key in path {
        if let intKey = key.intValue {
          item = (item as? [Any])?[intKey]
        } else {
          item = (item as? [String:Any])?[key.stringValue]
      // item is now Bar, which is an object (Dictionary)
      let bar = item as? [String:Any]
      let dataKey = CodingKeys.data.rawValue
      if let item = bar?[dataKey] {
        data = try JSONSerialization.data(withJSONObject: item)
    self.init(data: data)

if let root = try? decoder.decode(Root.self, from: jsonData) {
  print("foo: \(root.foo)")
  for (i, bar) in root.bars.enumerated() {
    if let data = bar.data {
      print("data #\(i): \(String(decoding: data, as: UTF8.self))")

// foo: bar
// data #0: {"thing2":12,"thing1":"#111100"}
// data #1: {"thing2":64.125,"thing1":"#000011"}
于 2020-04-22T02:24:38.987 回答


let objectList = try decoder.decode([UntypedObject].self, from: data)

let objectList = try decoder.decode(UntypedObject.self, from: data)

会修复它(但我仍然认为您无法将 JSON 上的“数据”键的内容作为数据获取。)

您的错误的原因是因为您的 JSON 响应包含一个对象作为根,该对象在 Swift 中被视为字典(因为键/值映射),但您试图解码一个对象数组。

于 2019-05-07T14:27:40.350 回答





于 2018-09-09T14:17:44.537 回答