函数 getTemplate($tpl if ($vars) echo ", $vars";)...函数
It looks like you want an optional argument, which you can accomplish by defining a default value in the function definition:
function getTemplate($tpl, $vars=null)
You can call this function as getTemplate($foo) or getTemplate($foo,$bar). See the PHP manual page on function arguments for more details.
It's also possible to write functions which take a variable number of arguments, but you need to use func_num_args, func_get_arg and func_get_args functions to get at them. Here's an example from the manual
function foo()
$numargs = func_num_args();
echo "Number of arguments: $numargs<br />\n";
if ($numargs >= 2) {
echo "Second argument is: " . func_get_arg(1) . "<br />\n";
$arg_list = func_get_args();
for ($i = 0; $i < $numargs; $i++) {
echo "Argument $i is: " . $arg_list[$i] . "<br />\n";
foo(1, 2, 3);
To round off this answer even more, suppose you'd build an array of 1..n values and wanted to pass it to the foo() function defined above? You'd use call_user_func_array
call_user_func_array('foo', $values);
This is the equivalent of calling
What's so bad about
function getTemplate($tpl, $vars=null) {}
if ($vars) { getTemplate($tpl, $vars); }
else {{ getTemplate($tpl, null); }
getTemplate($tpl, ($vars)?$vars:null); // not sure
getTemplate($tpl, (!empty($vars))?$vars:null);
另外,如果您想要类似于 echo 的技术:
$code = "getTemplate($pl";
if ( $vars ) { $code = $code . ", $vars);"; }
else { $code = $code . ");"; }
$ret = eval($code);
虽然这通常被认为是不好的做法(永远不要说永远)。请注意,所有发送到 eval 的代码都将被直接执行。所以不要将用户输入放在 eval() 调用中。