Is there any way to put a tool tip or bubble head for the w2ui grid's column header?

I need something to put more explanation on what the column is about.

I found the following links, but they seem to be outdated and no longer relevant for w2ui v1.4 or v1.5+, or I'm just dumb enough to not make them work.

Any help or guidance is greatly appreacited.


1 回答 1


列标题可能包含任何 HTML,因此这里有三种方法可以实现您想要的,或者使用:

  1. 叠加层,或
  2. 使用包装 DIV ,或
  3. 使用内置的工具提示属性。


   position: absolute !important;top: 0 !important;right: 0 !important;bottom: 0 !important;left: 0 !important;


var c1 = 'First Name' + '<i class="tt" title="Your Tooltip text"></i>';
var c2 = '<div title="This is a tooltip ...">Last Name</div>';

$(function () {
        name: 'grid', 
        columns: [                
            { field: 'fname', caption: c1, size: '30%' },
            { field: 'lname', caption: c2, size: '30%' },
            { field: 'email', caption: 'Email', size: '40%', tooltip: "Hello World" }

小提琴:http: //jsfiddle.net/kwpd6dm6/1/


于 2017-10-26T07:45:57.040 回答